Biblical evdidence that supports abortion

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i will meet your challenge. give me some time. it will take me a while as i begin with Genesis and go all the way through Revelation to show how human life whether still in the womb or outside the womb is valuable and the taking of it inherently always morally wrong. i welcome this challenge.
i can do the same thing with the assumption of mary, immaculate conception, praying to the saints, and any other catholic doctrine. but according to sola scriptura, unless i can be convinced that abortion is always morally wrong, i can think otherwise as i may do with other catholic doctrines.
I question both oat soda and Steve M about the terms, “explicitly” and “definitive”. These are plays on wording and are in fact ambiguous terms meant to convey no specific meaning. They have no value when dealing with such a straight-forward issue such as the taking of innocent life.
Those are Mark Shea’s words, I’m just pointing out what his book says.
Do I need to cite the Bible verses that support that murder is wrong, or can you take my word for it that it is there? Which part of the murder definition is objectionable? Killing? Innocent? Human?
using the bible alone for my source of deciding what is considered innocent life and murder i can’t find a clear teaching on abortion. the best i find is that the Mosaic law perscribes the intentional stoning of a women who is pregnant out of wedlock so at best, it’s ambiguous.
Tantum ergo:
Oat soda, I believe it was mentioned earlier that the Bible does not teach explicitly that POLYGAMY is wrong, either. After all, many of the patriarchs had more than one wife. Not only that, even in the New Testament, it is stated in Timothy that “the bishop should be the husband of ONLY ONE WIFE”–that statement alone presupposes that there exist plenty of men at that time who DO have more than one wife.
This was my point. You can find passages to support both views, however weak, but it’s been the Church’s teaching since it’s earliest days that these types of things are sinful. There’s more evidence supporting that they are Sacred Tradition rather than strictly scriptual.
Oh yeah, while were at it, someone give us the explicit biblical passage for sola scriptura.

oat soda:
using the bible alone for my source of deciding what is considered innocent life and murder i can’t find a clear teaching on abortion.
Non-responsive. Which is it?
oat soda:
i can do the same thing with the assumption of mary, immaculate conception, praying to the saints, and any other catholic doctrine. but according to sola scriptura, unless i can be convinced that abortion is always morally wrong, i can think otherwise as i may do with other catholic doctrines.
if your aim in this thread is masked (as I think it is now) by the inevitability that you are then going to go into a “sola scriptura” debate, then I refuse to debate this issue. I must say that if that is your intent - you are deceitful and I wish to have nothing further to do with you - simply because I initially was under the impression that we were going to debate the killing of children and whether it is sinful or not.

Moderators, forgive me my tone, but I believe this poster’s intent is unbecoming this forum.

Good day.
oat soda:
i guess you didn’t take the time to look at the site. so i’ll post it.

Exodus 21:22* If men strive [fight] an hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit [fetus] depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman’s husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine*.

This would imply that the fetus died immediately as a direct result of the accident. Assuming no further harm happens (e.g. that the woman does not die), the man responsible would have to pay at a fine. The amount would be set by her husband and approved by the judges. This would imply that the death of the fetus was not considered to be the death of a human person. If it were, then the man responsible would be tried for murder and executed. However, because the fetus had possible future economic worth to the father, he would have to be reimbursed for his loss.
They are wrong. I know the argument but I don’t agree that it holds any water because the key to understanding it is accidental death. If you look up the penalty for accidental death or harm elsewhere in scripture you will see that my reasoning is entirely consistent. God in His wisdom differentiates
between intentional and unintentional harm.

Let me give you an example of their faulty logic:

A man accidentally hits another car with a pregnant woman in it. The woman miscarries as a result. It is deemed an accident by the courts, yet the woman can still sue in a civil court and receive a damage settlement. Now following the above logic, because this man was not found guilty of vehicular homicide abortion must be ok. You see the problem now?

Please explain to me why I should have ANY confidence in anything this ridiculous web site “explains,” when the authors, whoever they are, cannot distinguish between John the Babtist and Jesus. In their “exegesis” on Luke 1:15, they claim the passage is referring to Jesus, when in reality it is the reference to the angel announcing the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah in the temple.
If they can’t even get that right…
Also, in their OT passages, since when does “consecrate” mean “sacrifice?”
The site is a farce, and any attemmpt to justify, or even imply, Biblical justification using this, ah, information is ludicrous.
If I try to write more about this site, I’ll probably get into trouble with the moderators, so I’ll just leave it there.
God bless
You see the problem now?
i understand your point but nowhere does it say that it is equivalent to accidental homicide. I can’t tell if it’s punishment because of the death of potential child or a child. this is one of the few passages the relate directly to infanticide in the womb and it is pretty ambiguous.

what about this passage: Numbers 31:17-18* Now, kill all the boys. And kill every women who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.*

it makes no distinction between women who may have conceived. if abortion was such a big sin, why does it not add that those pregnant are exempt?

Numbers 5:17-31 Then he shall take some holy water in a clay jar and put some dust from the tabernacle floor into the water… This passage describes the action that a husband could take if he suspected that his wife had engaged in an adulterous relationship. Again, it doesn’t address the issue if the women conceives.
I must say that if that is your intent - you are deceitful and I wish to have nothing further to do with you
thank you for proving my point. i guess you can’t defend the right to life (abortion) using the bible alone.
I’ll probably get into trouble with the moderators, so I’ll just leave it there
i guess i’ve hit a sore spot with those who claim the bible alone is the sole rule of faith.
oat soda:
i guess i’ve hit a sore spot with those who claim the bible alone is the sole rule of faith.
Not really. “You shall not commit murder” is pretty clear. Making this an argument against Sola Scriptura is pretty lame. There is conservative Protestant Church in existence that is not pro-life. Other verse make the personhood of the unborn clear as well (John the Baptist, the Psalmist etc.). That combined with the ten commandments makes the Biblical teaching on abortion clear. Catholics and Protestants can agree on this. It should not be used as an anecdotal hammer to nail Protestants with. We are on the same side.

If you want to argue against Sola Scriptura based on it merits or lack thereof please go for it. But to use a Trojan Horse like this is not helpful. My Lutheran Church is 100% pro-life.

A FETUS is just a term used to denote a certain stage in the life of a HUMAN BEING…for in the history of the world…never YET has a woman or a test tube (for those hung up on Science) ever given birth to a: Turnip, Carrot, Brussel Sprout, Monkey, Puppy dog, kitten, squid, flower… etc…its ALWAYS been a human being.

Does a baby not grow into a child…does a child not grow into young adult…a young adult into a middle aged person…a middle aged person into an old one? We are ALL these stages but yet the same one person…who originated as a fetus. There is no difference… a fetus is a human being at a certain stage of development…thou shalt not kill…is THAT “Biblical enough”?.. its THAT SIMPLE.

Jesus said love thy neighbor and you’ll be fullfilling all the Commandments…why? Cause if one LOVES…they dont KILL INNOCENT and DEFENSLESS HUMAN BENGS.

Oat Soda are you Catholic?

If so…then no…you DONT have the right to disagree with ANYTHING from the Magesteriums teachings and simultaneously claim to be a faithful Catholic…you could “think so”…but it doesnt mean anything as far as TRUTH is concerned
oat soda:
thank you for proving my point. i guess you can’t defend the right to life (abortion) using the bible alone.
actually sir, you proved my point of your intent. I reiterate you posted this thread under false pretences.
Not really. “You shall not commit murder” is pretty clear. Making this an argument against Sola Scriptura is pretty lame. There is conservative Protestant Church in existence that is not pro-life. Other verse make the personhood of the unborn clear as well (John the Baptist, the Psalmist etc.). That combined with the ten commandments makes the Biblical teaching on abortion clear. Catholics and Protestants can agree on this. It should not be used as an anecdotal hammer to nail Protestants with. We are on the same side.

If you want to argue against Sola Scriptura based on it merits or lack thereof please go for it. But to use a Trojan Horse like this is not helpful. My Lutheran Church is 100% pro-life.

:amen: Mel, I went back and looked at other posts of oatsoda’s and noticed that he is firmly pro-life, but was only using this as a platform to jump into debates over sola scriptura which I agree is pretty lame.
This is a good link of bible passages that clearly shows the bible does not explicitly teach that abortion is wrong

if you started from the top, you would have understood that this was the whole reason for this thread- to show the inconsistancies of sola scriptura, not to prove the bible teaches that abortion is ok (i don’t think it does, just not in the sence that evangelicals must hold to).
Not really. “You shall not commit murder” is pretty clear. Making this an argument against Sola Scriptura is pretty lame
that is true only insofar as you can prove using the bible alone that a baby in the womb is considered an innocent life. this is what can’t be explicitly found. It is implicit, which requires tradition to understand. i’m trying to show bible alone christians that there are inconsistancies with their logic and give people a good web site to show how one can argue validly using the bible alone against the pro-life cause. when did i ever say i was pro-abortion?

read posting number five and one again and you’ll see it was a misunderstanding.
oat soda:
i can do the same thing with the assumption of mary, immaculate conception, praying to the saints, and any other catholic doctrine. but according to sola scriptura, unless i can be convinced that abortion is always morally wrong, i can think otherwise as i may do with other catholic doctrines.
“Thou shalt not murder.” comes to mind. Unless, of course, you do not believe that the life is a child.

Didn’t God say that he knew us when we were still in our mother’s womb? What did he know? A life or a blob?

BTW, since when is “sola scriptura” in the Bible? Wouldn’t that actually be against the teachings of the bible? After all, did they not have tradition in the bible? Oral tradition that was not written down? Did they not say in the bible that if all that Jesus had said or done was written down that it would fill too many books. (Help me out, folks. I know that there is scripture pertaining to that and I can’t get to my Bible right now and research.)
oat soda:

if you started from the top, you would have understood that this was the whole reason for this thread- to show the inconsistancies of sola scriptura, not to prove the bible teaches that abortion is ok (i don’t think it does, just not in the sence that evangelicals must hold to).
what you just quoted of your first post was anti-thetical to what you just wrote above. Your first post was: "This is a good link of bible passages that clearly shows the bible does not explicitly teach that abortion is wrong". You were simply talking about bible passages showing the bible’s teaching on abortion as being wrong. again, you just proved my point by NOW stating the above, "the whole reason for this thread- to show the inconsistancies of sola scriptura.
you plainly had an agenda from the beginning which you should have stated from the beginning, which you are now forced to admit because I and others have called you on it.
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