Biblical evdidence that supports abortion

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from my experience as a life-long baptist and with a family of protestants (not one of my family members or friends) not one of them believe abortion is okay or that divorce is okay and they are all by default (whether they know it or not) sola scriptura practitioners
do you know why the baptist are pro-life? because they unknowingly accept catholic tradition. a tradition which can be clearly seen to have been believed by the earliest christians. people who practice sola scriptura are being inconsistant because they do accept extra-biblical tradition but criticize the catholic church for doing the same thing. you even admitted the difference between implict and explict biblical evidence can be subjective. in saying that you unknowingly rejected sola scriptura which believes that only things which are clearly taught in the bible are to be believed.
this is a generalization. I could say that “many catholics use birth control though the catholic church teaches it is a sin.” that’s also a generalization.
using this against the catholic position proves nothing because the practices of catholics doesn’t contradict what the church teaches.
oat soda:
do you know why the baptist are pro-life? because they unknowingly accept catholic tradition. a tradition which can be clearly seen to have been believed by the earliest christians. people who practice sola scriptura are being inconsistant because they do accept extra-biblical tradition but criticize the catholic church for doing the same thing. you even admitted the difference between implict and explict biblical evidence can be subjective. in saying that you unknowingly rejected sola scriptura which believes that only things which are clearly taught in the bible are to be believed.

using this against the catholic position proves nothing because the practices of catholics doesn’t contradict what the church teaches.
i guess you would have to ask all baptists why they are pro-life. I imagine some persons have different reasons than others. Just because Scripture and catholic tradition teach it is wrong doesnt leave all elements out of the equation. What about human reasoning, natural reasoning. Possibilities are endless.

Biblical evidence cannot be subject to implicit or explicit. You first stated in your very first post the term, “explicitly”. You began the thread with a bias against scriptures. By the way, your definition of sola scriptura is false. sola scripture simply means that Scriptures (Old and New) are sufficient for salvation and rule of faith.

you’re telling me that all catholics practice what the church teaches? am I understanding you correctly? the practices of catholics doesn’t contradict what the church teaches??? I could go on and on about that one, but I won’t. Besides, it’s off topic.

remember, you are the one who stated that there is no biblical evidence against abortion. generally in apologetics you are supposed to follow up with your facts, not the other way around. the burden is upon you to prove your statement that there is no biblical evidence against abortion.
aw, shoot! I forgot that I was through debating this issue with you (oat soda) because of the false pretences from the beginning. I wish you well and blessings from God. Peace.
sola scripture simply means that Scriptures (Old and New) are sufficient for salvation and rule of faith
if the old and new testement are sufficient for salvation, again, why do you believe that abortion is wrong? I showed you a web site that came to a completly different conclusion that I find reasonable. Just saying they’re are wrong isn’t good enough to refute their interpretation. Please for everyone here, show us how you justify this belief using scripture ALONE like I asked you way back in this discussion (i’ll play devil’s advocate).
the burden is upon you to prove your statement that there is no biblical evidence against abortion
i already have. the whole point of this thread is to show you how you can argue using the bible that abortion may not be wrong. i listed some scripture and gave you a website that addresses this issue.

the fact that you can’t give me any scripture that clearly teaches abortion is wrong is proof sola scriptura is wrong.
you’re telling me that all catholics practice what the church teaches? am I understanding you correctly? the practices of catholics doesn’t contradict what the church teaches??? I could go on and on about that one, but I won’t. Besides, it’s off topic.
i should have said that the morality of catholics doesn’t have any affect on what the catholic church bases its authority on. did peter and the rest of the apostles always follow Jesus? your right, it’s off the topic and proves nothing.
oat soda:
i already have. the whole point of this thread is to show you how you can argue using the bible that abortion may not be wrong. i listed some scripture and gave you a website that addresses this issue.

the fact that you can’t give me any scripture that clearly teaches abortion is wrong is proof sola scriptura is wrong.
Should we also go by the fact that you can’t give us any solid proof (and not that website either, for reasons posted by myself prior) that the Bible specifcally says that abortion is ok. I suggested looking at the 10 commandments but you have said that it is not implicitly there. That it does not say, “abortion is wrong”. I don’t think there is one example in the Bible quotes on that website that you have posted that directly says , “abortion is ok”, other than just their own interpretation.

I agree with you that we need tradition along with the magisterium together with scripture. We also need the interpretation of the scriptures, which is only reserved to the teaching office of the Church to show us what the scriptures mean and not some website.

I do agree that Sola Scriptura is wrong too by the way.

Is this kind of what you are getting at? I am still trying to figure that out.

I don’t think there is one example in the Bible quotes on that website that you have posted that directly says , “abortion is ok”, other than just their own interpretation.
i never said the bible clearly teaches that abortion is ok only that it doesn’t clearly teach that it is wrong. because of this, bible-christians are accepting a catholic tradition without realizing it like mark shea has said. what is interesting about the web site is they list more scriptural evidence (pros-cons) than mark shea and show how without tradition, one could think abortion is not a sin.

the reason you can’t use the sixth commandment against aborition is the bible is ambiguous on when a baby is considered an innocent life. sometimes they may stone a pregnant women or make her drink a weird liquid, and the gospel of luke call’s a baby in the womb a child or babe. even then, you can argue that because the baby was in its sixth month, it may then be called a child. but to assume that life starts at conception is the same way catholics argue that mary is the new eve and she is ever virgin and sinless and so on. for sola scriptura to be correct, life would have to be clearly defined in the bible starting at conception.

read the website. bible-christians use the same logic when they argue against scriptural support for catholic teachings.
oat soda

please, using scripture alone, show me how the Bible clearly teaches that abortion is wrong.


Don’t you get it?
oat soda:
i never said the bible clearly teaches that abortion is ok only that it doesn’t clearly teach that it is wrong.
Well, if it doesn’t teach that it is clearly wrong or clearly ok then clearly what was your point in titling your thread, “Biblical evidence that supports abortion.” Thank you! You yourself have answered this. It is does not teach it clearly either way, so why beg the question?
oat soda:
the reason you can’t use the sixth commandment against aborition is the bible is ambiguous on when a baby is considered an innocent life.
But this was not part of your original thread’s claim, to determine when life begins, keep to your topic.
oat soda:
but to assume that life starts at conception is the same way catholics argue that mary is the new eve and she is ever virgin and sinless and so on. for sola scriptura to be correct, life would have to be clearly defined in the bible starting at conception.
If you are going to make a claim like this, especially using Mary as an example, you better have something to back it.

You also need to give credit to our protestant brothers and sisters who may be Bible Christians and pro-life, its better if they maybe understood more, sure (if that’s your point). But you don’t sound that encouraging in this thread. And I would rather have people not understand and be pro-life than have nothing at all.

jegow 👋
oat soda:
i challenge you or any evangelical using the bible alone to show clearly that abortion is wrong. the point is they are not basing their beliefs soley on the bible but on tradition as well which helps interpret the bible.
hmmmm…why would the Bible show “clearly” that abortion is wrong? Is someone claiming that it is? What could be wrong with crushing a pre-born baby’s skull and tossing it in the garbage like so much raw-sewerage.

You make a good point Oat–it’s probably just society’s intolerance of women who conceive out of wedlock that drives them–forces them if you will–to have abortions. It’s really the fault of the old conservative white men of the world…not the trampy little sluts who sleep around.

I think you might have more than “oats” in your “soda.”
oat soda:
i never said the bible clearly teaches that abortion is ok only that it doesn’t clearly teach that it is wrong.

double-speak anyone?
It is does not teach it clearly either way, so why beg the question
precisley because it shows how bible-christians are not being consistent in their doctrine like i’ve explained multiple times. it is my opinon that it doesn’t teach it clearly either way but i understand how someone can think differently as did the author of the website. unlike bible-christians, i can acknowledge different interpretations of scripture.
But this was not part of your original thread’s claim, to determine when life begins, keep to your topic.
it is related to determining if the sin of abortion is explicitly stated or not. if life can be shown using the bible alone that it starts at conception, then someone can use that to show biblical evidence for sola scriptura but alas it doesn’t.
If you are going to make a claim like this, especially using Mary as an example, you better have something to back it.
but this isn’t related to the thread. ok, this is from the website:
immaculate conception implict evidence: “The angel Gabriel said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you” (Luke 1:28). The phrase “full of grace” is a translation of the Greek word kecharitomene. This word represents the proper name of the person being addressed by the angel, and it therefore expresses a characteristic quality of Mary, from the first instant of her existence she was in the state of sanctifying grace and was free from the corrupt nature original sin brings.”

bible-christians would say that catholics are reading too much into the above passage. but they do the same thing when defending their view on abortion. do you see the inconsistency?
Oatsoda, this is as easy, simple, and clear as I can get.

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