do you know why the baptist are pro-life? because they unknowingly accept catholic tradition. a tradition which can be clearly seen to have been believed by the earliest christians. people who practice sola scriptura are being inconsistant because they do accept extra-biblical tradition but criticize the catholic church for doing the same thing. you even admitted the difference between implict and explict biblical evidence can be subjective. in saying that you unknowingly rejected sola scriptura which believes that only things which are clearly taught in the bible are to be believed.from my experience as a life-long baptist and with a family of protestants (not one of my family members or friends) not one of them believe abortion is okay or that divorce is okay and they are all by default (whether they know it or not) sola scriptura practitioners
using this against the catholic position proves nothing because the practices of catholics doesn’t contradict what the church teaches.this is a generalization. I could say that “many catholics use birth control though the catholic church teaches it is a sin.” that’s also a generalization.