SusanL said:“Thou shalt not murder.” comes to mind. Unless, of course, you do not believe that the life is a child.
Didn’t God say that he knew us when we were still in our mother’s womb? What did he know? A life or a blob?
BTW, since when is “sola scriptura” in the Bible? Wouldn’t that actually be against the teachings of the bible? After all, did they not have tradition in the bible? Oral tradition that was not written down? Did they not say in the bible that if all that Jesus had said or done was written down that it would fill too many books. (Help me out, folks. I know that there is scripture pertaining to that and I can’t get to my Bible right now and research.)
oatsoda, do you see my point? everyone who has seen this thread thinks you are trying to prove exactly what you first posted. they all think you are a heretic because you SEEM to blatantly argue that abortion is okay.
that’s why honesty is ALWAYS the best policy.