Biden doubles down on abortion law pledge - Biden repeated his pledge to codify a right to abortion

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Biden doubles down on abortion law pledge​

CNA Staff, Oct 6, 2020 / 09:30 am MT (CNA).-

Former vice president Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, repeated his pledge to codify a right to abortion into federal law should the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision be overturned by the Supreme Court.

Speaking at an outdoor town hall event airing on NBC Monday, Biden was asked what he would do to protect “reproductive health rights” should Judge Amy Coney Barrett be confirmed to the Supreme Court.

“Number one, we don’t know exactly what [Barrett] will do, although the expectation is that she may very well move to overrule Roe , and what the only thing–the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land,” said Biden. “That’s what I would do.”

After decades of reservations about unrestricted abortion and Roe v. Wade , which he originally said went “too far,” Biden committed during the 2019 Democratic primary contest to enshrining the full extent of the decision into law.

Kirsten Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, responded to Biden’s renewed pledge, saying it was “sad to see [Biden] move from recognizing the humanity of preborn children to pledging to make abortion the law of the land if elected.”

"Pro-Life Democrats, we have to mobilize . . .

. . . On Tuesday, Trump said that “Joe Biden just took a more Liberal position on Roe v. Wade than Elizabeth Warren at her highest.”

Trump also said that Biden “wants to PACK our great United States Supreme Court." Biden was asked if he would support court-packing were he elected following a Barrett confirmation during the presidential debate last week, he declined to answer.

The president also noted that Biden had endorsed Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who sparked controversy in January 2019 after he said that if a baby were sufficiently disabled at birth, it could be “kept comfortable” and might be resuscitated if the mother wished, and there could be a “conversation” between doctors and the mother. . . .

. . . The Democratic Party platform has rapidly evolved on abortion rights during the 21st century. As recently as 2004, the platform was calling for abortion to be “Safe, legal, and rare.” The 2020 platform was the first to call for a codification of abortion rights into law, in addition to calls for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and Mexico City Policy, which limit U.S. tax dollars from funding abortions.

Despite the Church’s absolute condemnation of abortion as the taking of an innocent human life, Biden has frequently . . . .

"Biden noted that he endorses the practice of abortion “under any circumstance,”"

Another take on the same story:

Biden Says He’ll Make Abortion ‘Law Of The Land’ If Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade​

By Emily Zanotti

Oct 6, 2020

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, who once considered himself a “pro-life Democrat” told an NBC town hall event Monday night that he would enshrine abortion rights in federal law if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. . . .

. . . . Biden responded that he would make Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that made obtaining an abortion a Constitutional right, the “law of the land.”

“Number one, we don’t know exactly what [Barrett] will do, although the expectation is that she may very well move to overrule Roe, and what the only thing — the only responsible response to that would be to pass legislation making Roe the law of the land,” Biden said. “That’s what I would do.” . . .

. . . Biden noted that he endorses the practice of abortion “under any circumstance,” suggesting that he now supports even late-term abortion. . . .

. . . President Donald Trump fired back at the Democratic candidate Tuesday morning over the issue, calling Biden’s new position on the issue more extreme than progressive senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA).

“Wow. Joe Biden just took a more Liberal position on Roe v. Wade than Elizabeth Warren at her highest,” Trump tweeted. “He also wants to PACK our great United States Supreme Court. This is what the Dems will do. Remember as they try changing positions before elections end.”

“Biden and Democrats just clarified the fact that they are fully in favor of (very) LATE TERM ABORTION, right up until the time of birth, and beyond — which would be execution,” Trump continued, referencing comments made by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam on the subject that appeared to endorse complete infanticide. . . . .
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Oy Vey! A tale of two catholics.

Biden and Amy.

The world loves Biden and loathes Amy. hmmm.
Mr. Biden is defying the Church and leading so many people down a path that is putting their souls in grave danger.

I pray Catholics wake up and see the evils he is promoting.

Let’s also pray for Mr. Biden. We do not know why he has moved so far left but as he is an elderly man he may not have a lot of years left (none of us know the day or the hour) before he faces his judgement.
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  1. We determined earlier that Biden did not endorse abortion ‘under any circumstances’. Why did you post a statement known to be false?
  2. Biden cannot as president pass any legislation.
Are you speaking to the OP?

Even if he doesnt support abortion under all circumstances, he supports abortion and did say he would make it the law of the land
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Even if he doesnt support abortion under all circumstances, he supports abortion and did say he would make it the law of the land
Isn’t that what the Jesuits call tautology? It already is the law of the land. If it is overturned we go back to '73 where some states allowed it and some did not.
Nepperhan . . .
Biden cannot as president pass any legislation.
I thought the same thing but since that is what he said, I posted it as is.

Maybe Biden forgot that.
yep. posting something known to be untrue is called deception.
Isn’t that what the Jesuits call tautology? It already is the law of the land.
I rarely listen to modern day Jesuits, except Pope Francis.

I was replying to a post that asserted Mr. Biden does not support abortion under all circumstances and yes it is the law of the land but from my understanding what Mr. Biden was trying to say is that he would settle it so it could never be overturned, not that he could but that he would if he could.

No matter his limitations, or what he can or can’t do, he said what he said. It can’t be denied.
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I know this is all over Catholic news sites. The most important right is the right to life. with out life, there are no rights. Oy!
I mean is this any surprise? Biden’s hatred of the unborn and the teachings of the Church are far and beyond any other politician I have seen. Lord help those that are worse than Biden.
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Nepperhan . . .
We determined earlier that Biden did not endorse abortion ‘under any circumstances’.
"WE" made no such determination.
Speak for yourself.

My posts and the stories I’ve cited are right on.
Soubirous1 . . .
yep. posting something known to be untrue is called deception.
That’s exactly right Soubirous1. (The issue is WHO is being deceptive.)

Now show me all of Joe Biden’s pro-life statements since he was a candidate. Then I will be the judge if they are consistent with what I have seen or if I think it is pandering.

Or you can show me his pro-life actions as VP.
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Nepperhan . . .
We determined earlier that Biden did not endorse abortion ‘under any circumstances’.
You and I both know that he never said that. So you knowingly post something false. That’s just wrong.

Must we go through old threads where it was pointed out that he did not say that? Its a hypothecation by partisan media. I think you know that but you quibble.
I can’t find any of his posts here on CAF. just dealing with the cards I’m dealt here Cathoholic…
where some states allowed it and some did not.
Which is how it should work in a federal republic.

Then we can fight the individual states, or, God willing, pass an amendment to the constitution banning abortion.
You and I both know that he never said that. So you knowingly post something false. That’s just wrong.
You say he doesn’t endorse abortion, he says he will codify it in law if Roe is overturned . What do you think this means. You can deny what he says but he said it. He can say I personally whatever, his actions speak louder than his words. His actions show him to support abortion.
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