Biden doubles down on abortion law pledge - Biden repeated his pledge to codify a right to abortion

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He would have to a 2/3 Senate vote to make that a reality. Taint gonna happen. So relax.
They’ll just get rid of that rule. There is no limit to which the Dems will not go to support abortion. Add four pro-abortion senators? Yes. Pack the Supreme Court? Yes. Get rid of the Hyde Amendment? Yes. Force Catholic charities to provide abortifacients? Yes. Force health workers to perform and assist at abortions against conscience? Yes. Promote abortion overseas? Yes. Prosecute those who oppose abortion? Probably in time.
RidgeSprinter . . . .
He would have to a 2/3 Senate vote to make that a reality. Taint gonna happen. So relax.
Yes but so what?

This from Biden tells MORE than your opinion of what may or may not happen.

It tells you about Biden’s worldview.
And THAT is where the voter can really benefit from here.
It gives you a provebial “look under the hood” at Biden’s outlook.

And Joe Biden clearly thinks innocent human beings can be murdered by the “choice” or whim of other people.

Joe Biden is FOR protecting “laws” supporting the premeditated murder of innocent preborn babies.

So it still yields a valuable insight into the heart and mind of Joe.


RidgeSprinter . . . .
There is no limit to which the Reps will not go to cram their religious beliefs onto others.
You’re talking about
the religion of secular humanism
right RidgeSprinter?
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I get the impression that most people do not understand the huge significance of Biden’s statement about promising to make abortion an actual law of the land. This statement proves that the left fully understands that abortion is not a law in our country that has been passed by the democratic process that our system of government is based on.

Our government is set up in such a way that our laws come by a vote of legislative bodies whose members have been elected by a democratic vote of the people. Our courts do not make laws. The legislatures make laws. Our courts are to take the laws, as passed in a democratic manner, and apply them in deciding nuances in cases brought before them.

In 1973, the liberal left knew they couldn’t get abortion passed through the legislative process in Congress, otherwise they would have done so. But they knew there was quirk in our system that the courts can declare anything as law even though the legislature never really passed it as law. Instead of the democratic process of getting a law passed by a Congress elected by the vote of 300 million Americans, they can go to the Supreme Court where they only need five of those 300 million Americans to be on their side. So the left did this end-around and got abortion made the law of the land via the Supreme Court in 1973.

The proof that there is no real law passed by Congress with respect to abortion rights is that the Supreme Court itself said in justifying their ruling that while the right to abortion isn’t in the text of the Constitution, they felt that it is implied in the Constitution. That is an incredibly bogus statement since you can use such a statement to legalize anything you want. You just simply state that whatever you want is implied in the Constitution. Also, they said that what was implied was that woman has a right to privacy. Again, this is a bogus reasoning. It can be applied to justify amy other crimes, especially any sexual crimes, if everyone has a right to privacy in what they do.

Another observation is that 100% of all news articles and other writings published about Roe v. Wade since it was ruled on by the Supreme Court specifically state that the Supreme Court “legalized” abortion in 1973. They all say this same statement. However, the courts are not to create law. They do not legalize anything. That is the role of legislative bodies in a democracy. Courts are there to apply the law, as passed by the legislatures.

Roe v. Wade is absolutely against the American system of government. Any correct jurist on the Supreme Court, even one who personally supports abortion, would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, not because of the issue of abortion itself, but because there is nothing in the Constitution, nor any law passed by Congress, that Roe v. Wade refers to. Biden recognizes this, as do the other liberal leaders who are now publicly calling for a real law to be passed by Congress to actually legalize abortion.
He would have to a 2/3 Senate vote to make that a reality. Taint gonna happen. So relax.
Whether he can do it or not isn’t the point. The point is that is his agenda. you think he wouldn’t figure out a way to do it if he could.
There is no limit to which the Reps will not go to cram their religious beliefs onto others.

and what religious beliefs are being crammed onto others?
So he is just lying and
pandering to his base,right?🤨
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Joe Biden’s actions would be the most pro-abortion by a President in American. He’s kind of got a history:
  • Joe Biden said that he “understood” China’s one-child policy, which resulted in forced abortions and infanticides of unimaginable proportions — hundreds of millions of innocent lives.
  • said he will repeal the Mexico City Policy
  • Voted NO on prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. (Mar 2008)
  • Voted NO on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. (Jul 2006)
  • Voted NO on criminal penalty for harming unborn fetus during other crime. (Mar 2004)
  • Voted NO on maintaining ban on Military Base Abortions. (Jun 2000)
  • Voted NO on banning human cloning. (Feb 1998)
  • voted for The Harkin Amendment to endorse Roe v. Wade, permits abortion for any reason.
  • supports using tax dollars to pay for abortion
  • says he will overturn The Hyde Amendment
  • voted for Taxpayer funding of overseas pro-abortion organizations
  • insisted that abortion was “essential” during the pandemic, at the same time that churches were closed
  • the National Right to Life Committee rated Joe Biden’s most recent Senate voting record (from 2001 to 2008) on pro-life issues as close to zero
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