Biden ex-business partner provides access to MORE emails documenting Hunter’s trading on father’s influence

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Or, take a step back.

Yes, Hunter is apparently a mess. But, he’s a lawyer. Do you think he would:
  1. Bring laptops with incriminating evidence to a repair shop
  2. Not go back and retrieve them
This strains credulity. I think this has a less than 20% chance of being real.
Hunter Biden has problems. Would it bring his laptops to a reputable repair shop, why not?

This repair shop has been in business for over 10 years and has a good reputation for fixing (Apple) Macintosh computers so why not. He told the repair shop they were damaged with liquid and probably thought they were trash.

Giuliani is also a lawyer.

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Hunter Biden has problems. Would it bring his laptops to a reputable repair shop, why not?

This repair shop has been in business for over 10 years and has a good reputation for fixing (Apple) Macintosh computers so why not. He told the repair shop they were damaged with liquid.
Hunter is supposedly a guy of means. So, throwing an MBP or three out because they are damaged and contain evidence of illegal activities seems the more likely course of action. Buy some new ones.

Now, he is a mess and might not have been thinking. BUT, then, he would at least go back for them. That is, unless they had no incriminating evidence and or useful business information.
Or bring them to Apple support to fix?

Instead of schlepping them across the country to a random computer repair person.
Hunter is supposedly a guy of means. So, throwing an MBP or three out because they are damaged and contain evidence of illegal activities seems the more likely course of action. Buy some new ones.

Now, he is a mess and might not have been thinking. BUT, then, he would at least go back for them. That is, unless they had no incriminating evidence and or useful business information.
Maybe he wanted to confirm they were trash.

Hunter Biden probably never touched a computer in his life to repair it or pull a harddrive so he took it to a repair shop. Once the owner told him they were mostly trash, he probably did not pursue.

He may be a lawyer but he is/was a lawyer with serious drug and other issues so his thinking may be off.
If some of you can tolerate Tucker, this explains the situation well. This is how this story came to be.

Or bring them to Apple support to fix?

Instead of schlepping them across the country to a random computer repair person.
Often when you contact a Brand name company, they will tell you where to find the closest repair shop near you, exactly where it. is located I have done this on many things including vacuum cleaners. Repair shops don’t fix all brands.
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Convenient for whom. Why was this not pursued 8 months ago and why is Hunter Biden not in jail?

The FBI had more agent’s on Bubba Wallace’s garage door rope than they put on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Bursima, etc etc.​

Instead of schlepping them across the country to a random computer repair person.
That’s the hard part to believe. It’s almost like the disinformation conspirators didn’t know where Hunter was during that timeframe.
The emails were obtained by Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer courtesy Bevan Cooney, a former Hunter associate who’s currently serving time in prison and resents that Hunter and his other associates “got off scot-free.
Sour grapes? If there was any real substance to the emails, why did he not use them as part of a plea bargain before and/or during his trial?
Perhaps because of his familial ties to former VP Biden, Hunter has never faced any consequences for his alleged crimes, though his closest business partner, Devon Archer, was convicted along with Cooney and another associate two years ago “of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and committing securities fraud” as announced at the time by the Department of Justice.
A lot of speculation going on here. These convictions occurred during the Trump Administration.

nstead of schlepping them across the country to a random computer repair person.
That’s the hard part to believe. It’s almost like the disinformation conspirators didn’t know where Hunter was during that timeframe.
Apple support might help you with technical problems but I doubt they want to deal with repair problems. It is outsoourced to local repair shop, They allow certain shops to repair their brand.

Have you had an item fixed?. You call the company and they they tell you where to go for repair. Sometimes they oay and other times, they do not.
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he emails were obtained by Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer courtesy Bevan Cooney, a former Hunter associate who’s currently serving time in prison and resents that Hunter and his other associates “got off scot-free.
There is no doubt it is sour grapes but it still does not mean the emails he has turned over are not real.

I’d be angry too if I got jail time and a felon and two other founding executives in the same company John Kerry and Joe Biden’s sons both walked away. with no convictions

Rosemont Seneca Equity was a lucrative business.
The small fund grew quickly. According to an email revealed as part of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, Rosemont described themselves as “a $2.4 billion private equity firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz,” with Devon Archer as “Managing Partner.
The partners attached several branches to the Rosemont Capital trunk, including Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty.

Rather than set up shop in New York City, the financial capital of the world, Rosemont Seneca leased space in Washington, DC.
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Another angry partner is Devon Archer who also got conviicted of fraud in 2018 and lost his Appeal. He is is the nephew of Whitey Bulger.

Yes the old Bulger family, Whitey and brother Bil Bulger, former longtime Massachusetts congressman. Connections are so important.
Rosemont Seneca joined forces in doing business in China with another politically connected consultancy called the Thornton Group. The Massachusetts-based firm is headed by James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted.

James Bulger’s father, Whitey’s younger brother, Billy Bulger, serves on the board of directors of the Thornton Group. He was the longtime leader of the Massachusetts state Senate and, with their long overlap by state and by party, a political ally of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

Less than a year after opening Rosemont Seneca’s doors, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were in China, having secured access at the highest levels. Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language website was telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca.
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Apple support might help you with technical problems but I doubt they want to deal with repair problems.
There’s an ongoing fight to compel Apple to provide support to repair shops. Apple is sometimes the only option because they do not make all of the necessary parts available to repair shops.
Have you had an item fixed?. You call the company and they they tell you where to go for repair. Sometimes they oay and other times, they do not.
I have.

You have the option of an Apple store, Apple authorized retailer, or in the case of a laptop, they can also ship to a customer a box that will be used to ship it to an Apple repair facility.
There’s an ongoing fight to compel Apple to provide support to repair shops. Apple is sometimes the only option because they do not make all of the necessary parts available to repair shops.
Have you had an item fixed?. You call the company and they they tell you where to go for repair. Sometimes they oay and other times, they do not.
I have.

You have the option of an Apple store, Apple authorized retailer, or in the case of a laptop, they can also ship to a customer a box that will be used to ship it to an Apple repair facility
Well I can’t see Hunter Biden taking the time to ship his computers to a n Apple repair facility, who knows where the computers will end up.

The authorized dealership and repair shop makes sense and most of us chose the same option so why should Hunter Biden be any different.
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Well I can’t see Hunter Biden taking the time to ship his computers to a n Apple repair facility then who knows where the computers will end up.
I don’t know enough about H.Biden and what was going on in his life to make projections on his preferences. I don’t think either of us do. But one can always imagine. :woman_shrugging:t4:
Well I can’t see Hunter Biden taking the time to ship his computers to a n Apple repair facility then who knows where the computers will end up.
I don’t know enough about H.Biden and what was going on in his life to make projections on his preferences. I don’t think either of us do. But one can always imagin
We know what we do and the majority of us take our own repairs to quthorized dealership and repair shops. Why do you thin he is so different.
We know what we do and the majority of us take our own repairs to quthorized dealership and repair shops
Do we know that?
I think we do… The exception to that might be vehicles where people seek out local mechanics instead of dealerships with repair shops due to the cost of repairs. That venue is not avilable for small budget items so if we are told to bring it to such and such store, we do.
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I think we do…
I don’t think that we do.

Try out the Genius Bar. You can even make appointments there to have your computer looked at before the stores open. For routine repairs, you can wait a few moments or do some shopping while they work on it and get it back the same day. It’s a great experience!
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