Biden hopes to avoid divisive Trump investigations, preferring unity

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Because it’s none of the feds business what I own. And registration is the first step to confiscation.
So you could own a nuke and it’d be “none of the feds’ business” per this principle? This is where the right turns extreme. All rights exist on a balance with other rights. For example, your rights to property and privacy need to be balanced with the right of others to security. That may need tracking dangerous weapons to make sure they are in responsible hands at all times. No one wants unstable people running around with deadly weapons any more than they want a blind man driving down the freeway.
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My rifles aren’t nukes and I won’t be registering them.
They are deadly weapons that a mad man could get a hold of, though, no? It’s not for the responsible that laws are usually made, unfortunately, but for the irresponsible and unaccountable. Registration would be a good compromise re public safety and private right to be armed.
How often are rifles used for self protection?

They do not seem to be effective for those 500 people killed every year. If they save less than 500 people a year, why do we have a means of self protection that kills more than it protects?
The numbers aren’t kept for individual weapons, but it’s estimated that guns are used defensively over 2 million times per year in the US.
Well, that would be up to the justice department.

But, I would say that if someone (Michael Cohen) was convicted of Federal crime and sentenced to Federal prison while someone else (unindicted co-conspirator) gets to avoid prosecution, then the first someone should be pardoned.
Given the region of the world they’re from a desert eagle is more likely. Israeli made.
I couldn’t care less about the debt or the deficit. It’s all just numbers on a screen at this point. It won’t matter until the US is no longer the worlds dominant power.

The debt must be repaid eventually…
  1. One solution is to print more paper money, which will devalue the currency, and make everyone poorer. How 'bout that? 🙂
  2. The other one is raise the retirement age, so people will not be eligible for SS at the current age. Make them work longer! What a grandiose idea!
  3. After all our children and grandchildren can pay it back. Or we can lower the age when our children are allowed to work… is the age of 10 low enough? Child labor is such a time tested and wonderful solution. And since they are out of the womb… who cares?
  4. Or maybe borrow more money from the Chinese to pay off the current debt. Sounds wonderful?
Nope, I am American through and through. But I am an economist, who knows a lot about money. One of the “problems” is that those darn old geezers (like myself!) stubbornly refuse to die, and get all sorts of health problems in their advanced age. Looks like this Corona virus is a godsend! Maybe we could subsidize tobacco products, because smoking has a beneficial effect on the budget. Oops, the tobacco growers are already subsidized.

Of course I am being sarcastic. Maybe!
In a nation like Great Britain having more strict gun laws makes sense. I even understand big cities in the US having stricter laws than states. But a one size fits all approach doesn’t work in a country this big.

My cousins across the pond always have a blast when they come to visit and I take them shooting.
School shootings are statistically insignificant when it comes to gun violence. It only get attention because they aren’t that common.
Well, well. So the solution is simple: “let’s make school shootings more common, more frequent, so they will not get so much attention”. After all they are “statistically” insignificant… and besides those kids are already BORN, so they are not important.
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The US won’t declare bankruptcy. As long as we’re the dominant super power the strength behind our currency is the US military. Once that starts to lag though all bets are off.
We live in a capitalist system. In capitalism, by nature, you have winners and losers. Those who benefit from an unequal system need to contribute back into it- the the wealthy significantly so.

The constitution sets down the right to bear arms but doesn’t specify what regulations may be enacted around that- including registration and taxation.
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