Biden hopes to avoid divisive Trump investigations, preferring unity

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We live in a capitalist system. In capitalism, by nature, you have winners and losers.
I hate to correct this. The economy is not a ZERO-SUM game. It is quite possible that everyone can win. I can suggest to read Henry Hazlitt’s book: “Economics in one lesson”. It should be required reading in every school.
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Are background checks, limits on magazine size, and prohibitions against felons infringements?

In response to the felon aspect, if a man is so dangerous that upon release from prison he can’t be trusted not to hurt someone with a firearm, why are we releasing him from prison?

I also think felons should have their voting rights restored after being released.
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That’s why I support people having the means to legally own effective tools of self defense.
Talks of unity but wants to raise my taxes and make me register my guns and pay taxes on them as well. Sure thing joe.
You might even get to sell some of your guns to Beto, and pay for someone else’s college loans.
You got that unity spirit yet?
I couldn’t care less about the debt or the deficit. It’s all just numbers on a screen at this point. It won’t matter until the US is no longer the worlds dominant power.

The debt must be repaid eventually…
  1. One solution is to print more paper money, which will devalue the currency, and make everyone poorer. How 'bout that? 🙂
  2. The other one is raise the retirement age, so people will not be eligible for SS at the current age. Make them work longer! What a grandiose idea!
  3. After all our children and grandchildren can pay it back. Or we can lower the age when our children are allowed to work… is the age of 10 low enough? Child labor is such a time tested and wonderful solution. And since they are out of the womb… who cares?
  4. Or maybe borrow more money from the Chinese to pay off the current debt. Sounds wonderful?
I’m thinking reduce spending to constitutional levels without raising taxes, and if need be, begin selling federal land and/or natural resources.
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I’m thinking reduce spending to constitutional levels without raising taxes, and if need be, begin selling federal land and/or natural resources.
I certainly agree with the first concept, but the second one is not that simple. It would require considerable foresight and planning. I am sure that there are many, well qualified people out there for the role of the president, but they are too busy cutting hair, and balancing the family checkbook.

I remember a great concept.

No one who wishes to have control over others should be allowed into any public office. The only one who should be chosen is someone who must be dragged kicking and screaming into that office, where he would do a great job, so he can get time off for good behavior.

By the way, Robert Sheckley wrote a great short story about the ideal society, its title is the “Trip to Tranai”.
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