I agree with you.The man needs to be excommunicated and so do the rest of them.
But I fear that it wouldn’t mean anything to those who receive excommunication for voting for abortion rights, gay marriage, etc.
Obviously they don’t respect the teachings of Holy Mother Church because they publicly promoted the sinful acts as “good” and “necessary” and “loving,” and they acted upon their beliefs by voting for these acts.
It’s possible that their guilt is lessened because they have been subject to heretical teaching by a rogue priest who should be stripped of his clerical powers by the Church, but for some reason, is still in the pulpit and still standing at the altar consecrating Holy Communion and distributing it to his sheep.
But our country’s leaders are all highly-intelligent people and they should be able to compare the teachings of their priest to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and recognize that the priest is preaching evil, and that they must disassociate themselves from evil if they are to have a hope of heaven.
No, I think they honestly don’t care what the Church says. To them, the Church is a warm fuzzy in their their life, in the same category as their pet dog or their shiny car (battery-powered, of course!)–something to make them feel all secure and spiritual and high-minded.
If they were ex-communicated, they would find one of the heretical parishes, or attend a Protestant church that supports their beliefs, and claim with great piety, “We all worship the same God.”
And they would also say, “How can the bishops ex-communicate anyone when for years, they ignore the sexual abuse in their own camp?” Sigh.
So sad.
We must pray for these politicians, that God will work in their lives to change their hearts.
There are quite a few stories of people who were solidly pro-choice who have changed their minds when something happened to re-arrange all their thoughts about abortion. Sometimes it’s something very mundane, like seeing a pregnant woman and suddenly realizing that “OMG, it really IS a human being!”. And sometimes it’s something very dramatic, such as God coming to them in a terrible nightmare and making it very clear that they are sinning against Him and against all mankind by promoting abortion as a “right.”
We must pray. I must pray.
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