Biden Projected Winner, Rollbacks on Pro-Life and Religious Liberty Protections Expected

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That is not questioned. What is important is to acknowledge the QUALITATIVE differences between between the stages.
The point is to protect a child. Can you acknowledge that at every stage of his life, that the child in the womb is, indeed, a child? Biden and Harris want to promote abortion absolutely, right up until the moment of birth.
It is too early to jump at shadows of the future and what may or may not happen. Just relax and spend a few minutes contemplating the bigness and beautifulness of that wall Trump built. Despite what Barr preached about the president being able to do anything, there really are checks on authority, the biggest being the Supreme Court.
stack the courts
How is he going to do this with a Republican Senate?
He can’t if the senate is Republican. That’s not been determined yet. Tillis hasn’t been called. And Georgia has two runoff’s
For myself personally, I differentiate between all those stages of development. I also differentiate between newborn, infant, toddler, tween, teenager, young adult, middle-aged, and elderly. They are all developmental stages of any individual human being.
That is not questioned. What is important is to acknowledge the QUALITATIVE differences between between the stages.
Except “qualitative” is arbitrary. Over the years those on the left always seem to come up with arbitrary definitions or factors that favor their desire to maintain legal abortion.
Conception to natural death …100% a human person …
In your view human DNA == human person. Not really interested in such a rigid approach. So, if the technology will become advanced enough to clone a new human “being” from a discarded fingernail, then clipping fingernails will be considered “abortions”?

And, of course, there is no such thing as human DNA. There can be mutations.

But we can stop right here. This approach does not belong to this thread.
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n your view human DNA == human person
That is not what JimG said, and no one, ever, has suggested that random sperm on their own and eggs before conception are human. Whereas Biden and Harris agree with abortion to the moment of conception. Which makes them monsters. Or don’t you agree?
Alabama has joined the growing number of states determined to overturn Roe v. Wade by banning abortion from conception forward. The Alabama Human Life Protection Act, as the new statute is called, subjects a doctor who performs an abortion to as many as 99 years in prison. The law, enacted Wednesday, has no exceptions for rape or incest. It redefines an “unborn child, child or person” as “a human being, specifically including an unborn child in utero at any stage of development, regardless of viability.”
We ought to take our laws seriously. Under the laws, people have all sorts of rights and protections. When a state grants full personhood to a fetus, should they not apply equally?

For example, should child support start at conception? Every state permits the custodial parent — who has primary physical custody of the child and is primarily responsible for his or her day-to-day care — to receive child support from the noncustodial parent. Since a fetus resides in its mother, and receives all nutrition and care from its mother’s body, the mother should be eligible for child support as soon as the fetus is declared a person — at conception in Alabama, at six weeks in states that declare personhood at a fetal heartbeat, at eight weeks in Missouri, which was on the way to passing its law on Friday, but at birth in states that have not banned abortion.
very interesting article. opens up a whole can of worms or maybe several.
Detaining any person without arraignment or trial violates the Constitution and international human rights laws. A fetus has not committed a crime, not been arraigned or charged, not weathered a trial by a jury of its peers, not had the opportunity to confront its accuser. These laws redefining personhood surely mean that a pregnant woman cannot be incarcerated, as doing so requires confining a second person without due process.
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And if you would differentiate between the zygote, blastocyst, embryo, fetus and child, we could have a mutually polite conversation about it.
So unless someone disagrees with your differentiation example a polite conversation isn’t possible?

Dude, you’re on a Catholic forum. If you’re not going to be polite because people disagree with your example, well, why are you here?
As long as it does not infringe on the life of others. Remember: “The right of your fist ends where my nose begins.”
That also applies in reverse.
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