Biden to undo Trumps pro life executive orders

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I’m not sure why he received the Nobel Peace Prize when he decreased regulation of Iran’s nuclear program, gave them $56 billion, and bombed Syria. I guess since it was so early in his term in 2009 that it was just the “thing to do”. Now I understand why President Trump has received nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize since he has strengthened relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
No it wasn’t. It was from the Judgment fund. U.S. taxpayer money. And after Iran received it they went on terror sprees in other countries.
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Try the ER in a NYC hospital. I did once and had to wait a couple of hours before I was attended to. This is NOT a safety net, or if so, the net has large holes in it.
Then they’ll send you a $3,000 bill most people can’t pay. Then they’ll take you to court and seize your assets.

Unless you’re on Medicare/Medicaid there is no chance of affordable medicine if you’re uninsured.
Exactly the safety-net programs the GOP leaders want eventually to do away with because they are too socialist. And what do they care? They can afford private insurance. Ain’t that the kicker?
Oftentimes if a bill can’t be paid in full, a great portion of it can be waived through a debt negotiation agency and/or a payment plan could be set up.
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I don’t think they eventually want to do away with Medicare and Medicaid. But I think if you make 400x the poverty line or $47000 for a single person, 97,000 for a family of 4 you shouldn’t be included in “those who need Medicaid”. Some states- those with high cost of living-have expanded Medicaid. Other states with low COL-like Southern states-have not. It only makes sense why. What’s “poor” in one place is not in others.
Other reasons people do not get health insurance-young, healthy, don’t want to spend their money on it when they could go to a free clinic, illegal immigrant…
There’s always going to be a finite number of resources. Staff, hours, money, etc. if you had to wait you probably weren’t at risk for immediate death, so others were prioritized.
Then they’ll send you a $3,000 bill most people can’t pay.
That’s a lie. People who can’t pay can appeal the hospital to have their bill lowered and even done away with completely

Years ago when I first started my business and had little money, I needed an appendectomy. I paid what I could and the hospital comped the rest. It took a lot of work on my part to work through the proper channels but it got done.
Every hospital I’ve ever known has a program to aid indigent people. Especially catholic hospitals.
indigent people
People who aren’t even close to indigent can be bankrupted by unpayable bills. Being solidly middle class is no defense against unexpected medical bills.

Relying on the generosity of for-profit corporations is a poor strategy.
And why should everyone else be on the hook for it then?
And why should everyone else be on the hook for it then?
Umm . . . because we follow Jesus?

“‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
I don’t recall Jesus ever saying government programs were necessary to care for the poor. I do remember a few about us doing it ourselves, directly.
I don’t recall Jesus ever saying government programs were necessary to care for the poor. I do remember a few about us doing it ourselves, directly.
If we can rely on the government to outlaw abortion, we can surely rely on it to provide affordable health care.

Some of us just don’t like that idea.
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