This is hard to explain but lets give it another try. God knows everything including the states of universe. Creation of universe is one of these states at which there is nothing before it but God. Consider all states of universe as frames of a movie. God however sustain all states of universe. To have a right dynamic God has to create and sustain each state at a right time. This means that we need a reference point in God’s mind which changes by time. This is impossible since God cannot change.I would suggest you give further thought to the nature of time and what timelessness implies. Your idea of change is related to time. God is eternal. I know the reality can be difficult to express in words, but “there is no reference point in which God could create” is difficult to understand. Again, God is only in time insofar as He is Father to all moments. Eternal, He is in loving relation to His creation, which exists in time.
We don’t need any reference point if creation is self sustain. God’s existence and creation simply are at the same point.