Biggest Lie said about Catholics

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I think this phenomenon is due to the method of converting the natives and allowing them to marry european Catholics. In Brazil, black, european and natives married among each other since all were united by Christ
We believe we’re saved by good works and we don’t read the Bible.
I think it is that Catholic’s worship Mary
I thought that Catholics did worship Mary, but not as they worship God. it is a lesser form of worship often called veneration.
According to the prayers for August 20 (the after feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos) in the August Menaion published by Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline, MA (and advertised for sale at a Melkite Catholic church) we read:
". . . Then the Apostles, seeing thee, O Virgin, were filled with grace, and with exceeding great reverence, they all then sacredly worshipped thee and cried out with firm faith: O rejoice, thou who hast brought forth Great Mercy for the world."
i was not at the service on that date, so i don’t know if this prayer is used in the Melkite Catholic church or not.
I thought that Catholics did worship Mary, but not as they worship God. it is a lesser form of worship often called veneration.
This might be a misunderstanding over the definition of words.
I would put it that we pray to the Blessed Virgin but we worship Jesus. Veneration is not the same as worship.
Yeah, we’ve had this discussion of “worship” before and I remember somebody also chimed in on that discussion with that Modern Catholic Dictionary definition of the word “Worship”.

I can’t speak for what goes on in the Eastern Church, but nowadays in the Western Church, no one would use the English word “Worship” to describe how we venerate Mary. The word “Worship” Is reserved only for God. I’m pretty sure the reason we don’t use the word any more is because Protestants are always accusing us of “Mary worship” and “saint worship”.

We would say we “venerate” Mary or we “honor” Mary. Never that we “worship” Mary.
That Catholics hate them (or at least don’t love them).

The ‘them’ varies, but it’s the lie of imputing a false motive. Completely poisons the ground and is used as a defiant wall to prevent conversation, by so many people. Regardless of what is said to them they just repeat that you don’t really mean what you’re saying and they know what’s ‘really behind’ your religion.
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I think it is that Catholic’s worship Mary
Well, it is not exactly a myth for some it is true.
Between , The Crusades,The Spanish Inquisition, decades of sexual abuse on minors, priests that have fathered children in secret. Pretending that God didn’t create Homosexuals
About the Crusade & the Inquisition, those were true in the past. Now, the church teach, that there shall be no more killings in the name of God.

The rest you mention above, are not myth
, we all know this. We need to find out the spiritual reasons behind why those things are happening. Even as those priests who are abusing children holds the Body & Blood of Christ in the mass celebrations.

The power of The Body & Blood of Christ is not a myth. This we all know for sure.

Those bad things happening in this church, because there are myths spread by the devils among the truthful teachings from God.

But uprooting the weeds harshly the way the crusades & the inquisition did it, had killed some of the wheats too. God said “let them grow together, and at harvest time throw the weeds into fire, and keep the wheat in the barns”.

Meanwhile, as both are growing together, we shall continue the never-ending discussions about which ones are the wheat among the weeds.

The Parable of the Weeds​

Matthew 13
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field.
25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.
26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied. “The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
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What do you guys think is the biggest lie that is used against Catholics? Or what the media says? I think it is that Catholic’s worship Mary
Catholics do worship the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints and good angels, in the form called veneration, but not adoration which is reserved for the Holy Trinity alone.

Modern Catholic Dictionary, worship (excerpt):
Acknowledgment of another’s worth, dignity, or superior position. In religion, worship is given either to God, and then it is adoration, or to the angels and saints, and it is called veneration. … (Etym. Old English weorthscipe, honor, dignity, reverence: weorth , worth +ship.)
Except, many do not know the difference between the two, whenever it is regarding Mary the Mother of God. It is a misleading title given to a human being.
What is a misleading title? Mother of God?

Catechism of the Catholic Church
971 "All generations will call me blessed": "The Church’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship."515 …

515 Lk 1:48; Paul VI, Marialis cultus 56.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
2132 The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which proscribes idols. …
Catholic Encyclopedia, Worship
When worship is addressed only indirectly to God, that is, when its object is the veneration of martyrs, of angels, or of saints, it is a subordinate worship dependent on the first, and relative, in so far as it honours the creatures of God for their peculiar relations with Him; it is designated by theologians as the worship of dulia, a term denoting servitude …

As the Blessed Virgin has a separate and absolutely supereminent rank among the saints, the worship paid to her is called hyperdulia
Cabrol, F. (1912). Christian Worship. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
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Veneration is not the same as worship.
You’re not going to like this, but if you look up the word venerate, you will probably find that your dictionary or thesaurus will list worship as a synonym to venerate. At least that is what i saw.

To God alone be the glory. We honor the Virgin because of what God has done for her.
What you find in the dictionary is not going to refute or change that.
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Mary mother of God should be made more specific so that it wont give suggestive association to motherhood to God in gemeral term, as if she gives Jesus His Divinity.
☺️ Hi. God Chose a virgin to be His mother. We can call her God’s mother can’t we? No one believes she is the source of divinity anyway.
Not the biggest
But I heard someone say: "There was no Catholic and Protestant before the Protestant Reformation, its was just Christianity.
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Catholic Encyclopedia, Worship
When worship is addressed only indirectly to God, that is, when its object is the veneration of martyrs, of angels, or of saints, it is a subordinate worship dependent on the first, and relative, in so far as it honours the creatures of God for their peculiar relations with Him; it is designated by theologians as the worship of dulia , a term denoting servitude …

As the Blessed Virgin has a separate and absolutely supereminent rank among the saints, the worship paid to her is called hyperdulia
I add bold above to your post, to show that even an encyclopedia which exlaining the word veneration to the saints, differentiate Mary as being worshipped, and that dulia and hyperdulia are two different things

Apart from definitions, our associative mind do get influenced by associative thinking, not necessarily agree to logical definitions.

Mary mother of God should be made more specific so that it wont give suggestive association to motherhood to God in gemeral term, as if she gives Jesus His Divinity.
Fortunately we can learn the proper use of words.

There was a council (Council of Ephesus 431 A.D.) that specifically addressed this title and the bishops upheld the use of Theotokos, “Birth Giver of God”.
  • Can. 1. If anyone does not confess that God is truly Emmanuel, and that on this account the Holy Virgin is the Mother of God (for according to the flesh she gave birth to the Word of God become flesh by birth), let him be anathema.
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In my opinion, "Mary Mother of God", is too general, and misleading as a teaching Spirituality
… I used to be in Mary Legion. It was a student presidium when I was in my high school. I continued attended the meetings up to my first year in university. My opinion is not something I compulsively stated. It is something that has been in my mind for many many years as a catholic person. And, no, it is not a result from talking to any protestant evangelist/ minister/ friend. No. It is more of what I find in conflict with the bible, especially the fact that Mary as the New Eve, cannot prece…
Aren’t you the same person who created this thread above?

If anyone denies the title of “Mother of God” is, in a sense, a Nestorian. You cannot be Catholic and Nestorian at the same time.
Hi. God Chose a virgin to be His mother. We can call her God’s mother can’t we?
Yes, we most certainly can call Mary “Mother of God”. It is a recognized title of Mary used by the Catholic Church.

The poster Francisca Chapter3 complaining about use of the title “Mother of God” Is not in accordance with Church teaching. As another poster noted, the poster has a history of complaining about this and repeatedly posts about it.
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What you find in the dictionary is not going to refute or change that.
What you find in the dictionary/thesaurus may explain why some non-Catholics believe as they do. The dictionary supports their view on a meaning of the word veneration, which Catholics do not agree to. And as well, there is a liturgical prayer which appears to support their view, although as I have pointed out, the word worship has been used in different senses, and does not necessarily mean the same when referring to God. There is dulia, hyperdulia and latria.
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