Bill Clinton Went to Jeffrey Epstein's Island With 2 'Young Girls', Virginia Giuffre Says In Unsealed Document

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I hear you. It’s too bad prolifers said nothing when laws against fornication and adultery were removed.
Catholics speak on these issues but often their voices are not heard. I am sure many popes have spoken out on divorce and chastity.
You don’t know that.
You’re right, I don’t, but I’m pretty confident it didn’t.
I’m not speculating that 85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women.
That statistic is irrelevant unless you can show a similarly high number of out of wedlock fornication leads to pregnancy. Given how effective modern birth control is that seems unlikely.
I know at least three people who’ve had or assisted in abortions (and were quite open about it) but voted for Trump. I see him more of a great salesman than prolife.
Neither of which proves anything.

His personal view of it doesn’ tmatter, as long as his policies are prolife, which they are. Similarly, there are a lot of Democrat politicians who claim to be prolife but who act as pro-abortion as Planned Parenthood itself.
False argument. First of all you know nothing about Trump’s present sexual behavior. Nor do you know his past except for the fact that he had an affair with his second wife before they married.

That does not in any manner reduce the guilt of those who support the Democrat party and, by so doing, support killing a million children in this one country alone, per year.
Maybe your acquaintences’ regret their decisions re abortion and are now embracing a POTUS that more closely aligns with their beiefs🤨
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Can you provide proof that trump has participated in abortion(s) ,or are you making a braised assumption,which in and of itself is sinful.
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Oh, I know quite a bit more and have detailed it before and you have chosen to ignore it. One thing that even you would have to admit is he never repudiated his past behavior and even made jokes about sexual conquests to the Boy Scouts.
Actually, you have demonstrated none of that.
Given the wide breadth of Catholic social teaching, it seems that one can justify voting for either major party or neither major party by using one’s well-formed conscience.
No. That’s protestantism, not Catholicism. Pope Benedict made it very clear that you can’t support an abortion-supporting politician other than for an equally grave reason, of which none are in the political contest today. The U.S., Bishops conference also made it clear that abortion is the No. 1 issue in the current election.
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Trump was openly pro-abortion… but yes, he has obviously changed his public stance. (Though he still favours abortion for rape and incest).
This post of yours rather amazes me … the thread is about Bill Clinton - a known long term serial abuser of women that included both while he occupied [and therefor sullied] the Governors office in Arkansas where he also used state employees to enable his adulterous and abusive behavior and the man who as President of the United States continued that abusive behavior in National Office. As President Bill Clinton took advantage of a young intern and was accused of rape of another woman.

That same Bill Clinton traveled with Jeffrey Epstein - on his plane multiple times including the island, and visited Epstein’s NYC residence.

Bill Clinton was elected to the office of the presidency [twice] while the electorate clearly was aware of his abuses of women while governor of Arkansas - and many of those voters were Catholic. No one was surprised that he committed adultery with an intern in the Oval Office and the Press and Democrats at the time said this was a non issue - it was merely sex between two consenting adults [even as some of the woman clearly indicated they did not consent].

Yet you want to make this about Trump - who has not been accused of having used or abused any woman while in office and most allegations are over a decade old …

The Epstein/Clinton trip to the Island occurred post presidency - Thus we can ascertain that Clinton did not easily change [if he indeed did] from his adulterous behavior and with - possibly - underage females.
The faith-filled voter is asked to make the complex judgment: Which candidate will be likely to best advance the common good through his office in the particular political context he will face? There is no mandate in universal Catholic social teaching that gives a categorical priority to either of these issues as uniquely determinative of the common good.
Actually there is. Your argument is relativistic and profoundly non-Catholic. Abortion is the preeminent political/moral issue today.

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Especially when an individual would rather deflect from the real subject/topic and project that upon another to make them appear to be the real culprit 😉
None of that changes the fact that, for the Popes and the bishops, abortion is the preeminent issue facing us today.
The designation of abortion as the preeminent question in Catholic social teaching at this time in the United States will inevitably be hijacked by partisan forces
Nonsense. It is the bishops who say that, not some “partisan forces”. You have been arguing that Catholics should take a relativistic “primacy of conscience” and entirely protestant point of view. You shouldn’t do that, but you are doing it. That’s the real “partisan” (Democrat) point of view here.

I should clarify that I don’t paint all protestants with the Democrat pro-abortion brush. Many Evangelical and Fundamentalist protestants are prolife and understand that if human life is held at nothing, then no other issue matters.
Just as I thought,nothing more than a biased assumption,also called culumny
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I read what you posted and understood it clearly and responded accordingly.
Of course I understood what I said,I responded accordingly to your comments.Im not the one who is confused…
85% of abortion’s are performed on unmarried women,and I know Trumps behavior is just the sort to cause that…
Your words You are making an assumption thatvTrump has participated in abortions when in fact you know no such thing.publicly stating your assumptions is ruinous to his character,therefore…fill in the blank
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No,you please be more careful in the future. Making unfounded assumptions re our president is uncharitable and Im pretty sure you must realize you overstepped .
No,you should apologize for making such scurrilous comments about our president. I’m done responding to you.
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