After reading the letter, a few interesting points came up.
How the Muslims see themselves as the inheritor of Moses and therefore the land of “Palenstine”
The claim of how we “the Americans”, have done all this killing for over 50 years. He does not say “the West”, when Palestine was British controlled and then was handed over to the Israelis to create the Jewish homeland of Israel.
The other point is, their perspective of history. How they consider Abraham to be the father of their religion. If this was true, wouldn’t then Christians, Muslims and Jews all be brothers. Why wouldn’t the Muslims want to share the land with their brothers?
Osama claims that our society has become full of immorality.
I don’t think many can disagree with that. Many have stated that right here on this forum. Along with this, is the claim we have separated laws from religion. Yes, we have done that, however, our forefathers did have our Creator in mind with the writing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Now, I disagree that going over to Islam is the answer, but a return to Christian values, wouldn’t hurt us.