“u people”?
by that I assume you are referring to Catholics?
I believe your profile lists you as a Catholic…I am sure you will correct me if I am wrong.
What is sinful is clearly defined by this religion. If you’d like one where you can make up the rules as you go there are many to choose from.
I don’t always understand the rules, but I understand that they are there for my protection and the protection of society.
And to address the issue of " God made me in His image, therefore nothing could be wrong with me"… we live in a Fallen world.
By that logic, serial killers and pedophiles should be allowed to act on their urges because they too are children of God.
And just so you know, I used to be agnostic and totally believed that God would accept me no matter what I did or who I was.
Now I have come to realize that although God LOVES all of His children, He does not ACCEPT us and our sins. He wants us to come to him and follow the laws that He made for us so we can spend eternity with Him.