I have a few things to address to Ohio Bob.
Ok. I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’ll give you my opinion. :tiphat:
I believe Scout has the best interrpretation of what is ok/not ok as given by the church.
I don’t really disagree with Scout as far as the unitive and procreative roles of marriage go. My opinion from the CCC is that while there are two roles of sex in marriage, you cannot separate them and say “Honey, why don’t we do some unitive stuff tonight but we will create barriers to the procreative”. Maybe tomorrow we’ll do some procreating". To me that means that each sexual act must be open to both possibilities without conscious obstacles being placed to specifically prevent the procreative gift.
I have had some of the very same questions in my own marriage that people here address.
Believe me, for a lot of years I did too. It’s not an easy place to come too without some serious discernment. And I’m not a natural discerner.
I own a catechism and have asked a priest this question myself. I was told that any sexual act between a married couple is ok as long as it is open to sex.
He’s the priest. I don’t question his position. I don’t completely agree with the premise that ANY sexual act is ok, and I’m not sure what you mean that “any sexual act… is open to sex”. I assume you mean open to life.
I have to say the fact that the job has to finish inside contradicts to the teachings in the catechism.
I disagree. To me, CCC #2366 seems clear on that point. This seems directed mainly to the man’s function in sex from a technical plumbing point of view.
What do you suppose this means, referring to the Catechist on masturbation, #2352 “the deliberate use of the sexual faculty, for whatever reason, OUTSIDE OF MARRIAGE, is essentially contrary to its purpose.” So, how do you interrpret that, Ohio Bob?
I think it means what it says. That paragraph does not address acts within marriage, it addresses masturbation outside of marriage as a selfish act devoid of either unitive or procreative benefit.
I asked a priest about this and the priest told me that masturbation used with your married partner, if both partners are ok with it and used in conjunction with intercourse etc. WAS ACCEPTABLE. Now, that clearly to me would be an argument that the job is not always an “inside job”. Ofcourse, we did not get into details, but, that is what the priest said.
I think I covered this above. From a man’s point of view, a procreative role would seem to dictate what the geography is.
Referring to what the catechism says again, it seems to be clear that sex should always be open to procreation, bottom line. I do not take any of these passages to rule out the “type of sex”. As someone said, not any preventive method is 100%. And, some of these theologians have gone too far in trying to tear apart what the bible is really saying. We cannot deny our natural human desires when it is used in a healthy, loving way.
What is it that you think the bible is really saying? Do you really see no difference between artificial contraception that takes an active, obstructive role to preventing conception and NFP which relates to merely abstaining from sexual activity?
I don’t think the CCC rules out any particular “type of sex” between husband and wife either. Your question seems to be whether I think oral sex in marriage is wrong. The post above quoting Jason Evert reflects my views on the subject.
I too would recommend Christopher West and his writings on JPIIs theology of the body.
Now I need a cold shower…