My best to you, too!!
I think you anticipated the remark - I had to oblige!
Are we still playing this game that the Pope is secretly on your side but some sinister force makes him appoint superlibs against his will?
Oh. If it were only a game. I don’t play games with the Devil.
Superlibs or just plain “liberal” priests is a terminology created by “liberals”. It makes it sound nicer that there are liberal priests and conservative priests and the Bishop’s job is to unite the 2 disparate groups and everyone is happy. The fact is that self-proclaimed liberal priests are simply dissenters with various stages of un-belief in the Gospel, including their is no Hell, Jesus is not divine, no miracles occured, Mary is no big deal, the Gospels were not written by Mathew, Mark, Luke or John, Jesus is not a king, Genesis and most of Exodus is a myth, devotions are a silly pasttime for old ladies, prayer is just a conversation with a family member or friend, Jesus and God are no more present in the Eucharist and the Church than in a tree, yoga is a great way to get in touch with God and on and on and on.
Our wonderful Pope, to the best of my knowledge, has not appointed any “superlib” Bishops but he has, self-admittedly, appointed Bishops that do not discipline these renegade priests that are no more Catholic than Hindu. He admitted this was an error of his Papal leadership. I forgive him because he has done so much good for so many in so many ways and because he is a great and saintly man so far beyond myself.
Is the Pope on my side? He’s on the side of all human beings, as am I. The problem is that there are priests that are not on his side or the side of the Church as it exists. These priests (and sisters) lead the faithful astray through their teaching in seminaries and schools and their pastoring of parishes. Souls are dropping into Hell as a direct result of accepting their teachings that are filled with the double-edged sword of unbelief and lame scholarship.
When the Devil is laughing with delight, I don’t play games. I get serious and I follow the will of Christ to the best of my flesh-weakened ability.