Bishop Changes: Atlanta and Wheeling-Charleston

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I believe Marino had to leave his diocese. Affirmative action is not always a good idea. Gregory began to sound more orthodox when he was aiming for the USCCB Presidency and hopefully a promotion. I doubt he really underwent a conversion. It was for Roman consumption. But he is at heart a Bernadine boy. Sorry Atlanta. The guy going to WV seems pretty good. At any rate his liturgies at the National Shrine were quite good.
When I saw the floor gerrymandering which grabbed liturgy at NCCB and heard about this transfer to Atlanta - I said "help is NOT on the way.

Few remember that the Ratzinger letter to the bishops was sent to both Gregory and McCarrick - both of them kept it from the other bishops until the vote was over and actually until it got "leaked to the Italian press and published. The :“club” is still “running their network”.
Yep, first the Falcons and now this. God must have it in for Atlanta. Maybe Sherman was just the beginning…
Yep, first the Falcons and now this. God must have it in for Atlanta. Maybe Sherman was just the beginning…
:rotfl: :rotfl: Well they say the mills of justice grind slowly…
It will really be interesting. Bishop Gregory’s promotion was inevitable and Atlanta is probably the best place for his presence. He appears very theologically sound, says the right things but never wants to cause any controversy. Since Atlanta appears to be solidly orthodox I would imagine he will go with the flow since he is definitely not one of those defiant bishops preaching dissent.

That said, Belleville is another story. I lived there for a short time and I also hope they get an orthodox replacement. Hopefully, one from Arch. Burke since he will need all the local support he can get there. The Chancery and individual parishes are by and large run by feminist nuns with an agenda (not your Mother Angelica types) and 60’s radicals. The diocesan newspaper reads like the National Catholic Reporter or a Democratic Party newsletter. The most depressing is the liturgical abuse- it is rampant and in your face- so much so that it took me nearly 3 months to find an area parish that could be at least tolerated to some degree. Even the Cathedral was a disgrace. The diocesan DRE is an ex-priest- The leadership has a heavy presence in Call to Action and FOSIL.
There is a horrific vocations crisis- Heavy vocations from the Latin Mass community but apparently they are going elsewhere. No enthusiasm for younger people.

I dont blame Bishop Gregory- since he inherited a scandalous mess with abuse cases and these issues seemed to be part of the package- but he really did nothing to correct these problems.

The good news is that the diocese at large is very conservative- an orthodox Bishop (hopefully not one of their own Monsignors) will have the support of the vast majority of the churchgoing laity in any positive changes.
Dear katherine2,

Would you please be so kind as to answer the question in my post (number 12 in this thread)?

Thanks and God bless,

Both of these appointments are pretty good fits and wise decisions on the part of the Congregation for Bishops.

Wilt is not a conservative, but he’s a good egg, a faithful priest who will challenge his people to be faithful in following Christ, and an understanding man who will work to bring his people together. I had quite a bit of interaction with him when he was an auxiliary in Chicago and can speak well in his favor.
I can agree with this, Atlanta will be well served.

Bishop Gregory’s reputation around Chicago is solid.
Well, if I didn’t already consider Gregory a step in the wrong direction, Katherine’s position would seal it for me.

Not much the Holy Father can do though - he only has so many options. We just have to bide our time as the younger and truly orthodox priests come of age to become Bishops.
Well said. Atlanta lost a great, orthodox bishop and now will get, well, a less great one. I will be charitable and only say less great.

The church has always had poor bishops, traitorous bishops, lukewarm bishops and holy bishops. Fortunately today with the great communications we have we all can get a little better view of how they conduct themselves. What did that cardinal say to Napolean when Napolean said he would destroy the Church? The cardinal said that priests and bishops had tried to destroy Her for many centuries and had not succeeded, so Napolean would not succeed either. The cardinal was spot on.
Anna Elizabeth:
Dear katherine2,

Would you please be so kind as to answer the question in my post (number 12 in this thread)?

Thanks and God bless,

Dear Anna,

As two others here have testified, Bishop Gregory is a wonderful pastor of souls and leader of the Church. We are so happy the Holy Father has decided to give him this important responsbility. He is a man of deep personal faith, dedication to serving the People of God, respected among his brother bishops, and able communicator, sensitive to the poor and the elderly.

he will be archbishop in a largely Protestant area. But as a convert himself and a dedicated ecumenist, I feel he will be well suited to connect with Georgians of all faiths.

Historicallly, Atlanta has had a very special Catholic community. As a small minority, often the victim of prejudice, the Church in Atlanta has traditionally been very tolerant and liberal. I really applaud the good Catholic people of Atlanta for not engaging in some of the sin which afflicted too many Christians in the South as well as the North.

God bless you with your new archbishop and thank you Holy Father for your gift to the Church of Atlanta!
Well said. Atlanta lost a great, orthodox bishop and now will get, well, a less great one. I will be charitable and only say less great.
I think that only time will tell what Bishop Gregory’s legacy of greatness or lack thereof in Atlanta will be.
I think that only time will tell what Bishop Gregory’s legacy of greatness or lack thereof in Atlanta will be.
He already has a public record. That can speak for itself. I stand by my previous post.
To Aimee

Bishop Gregory was well liked by most in the Belleville Diocese. He came in at a time when the abuse scandal hit hard. He was forthright in addressing the problem and seems to have cleaned it up admirably. Beyond that I think he is a Holy and Sincere pastor

To Aimee

Bishop Gregory was well liked by most in the Belleville Diocese. He came in at a time when the abuse scandal hit hard. He was forthright in addressing the problem and seems to have cleaned it up admirably. Beyond that I think he is a Holy and Sincere pastor

Thanks Melvyn,
Bishop Gregory is here and our Archbishop and he deserves the benefit of the doubt…and time will tell. We as a diocese are doing okay…for the most part …we will speak up if a situation warrents it…ask Archbishop Donahue…who by the way is a good man. Sorry to see him go.
Hi to all,

Please allow me to change the subject a bit. I am from MD where Baltimore covered the whole state. Here in GA, there are 2 dioceses, Atlanta and Savanna. Atlanta was spun off from Savanna in the 1950s

Just how many Dioceses are there in Illinois… never herd of Belleville??? How big a diocese is it? I’ve heard of Cairo and Springfield and Peoria… but Bellville. Maybe GA should add a Diocese in Valdosta. No offense, just curious.

Don 1852
The Belleville Diocese encompasses all of southern Illinois, I think. My in-law’s live all the way on the eastern side of the state, just above US highway 50 and it’s all in the Belleville diocese. Belleville one of several St. Louis suburbs on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, so there is a very large population there. Springfield, Peoria, Rockford and Chicago are the other diocese/archdiocese. I’m not sure if there are any others. I don’t think Cairo is diocese.

Hi CathyD,

Thanks for the reply. This has made me curious. Take a look at this website.

Apparently there are rather loose standards as to what constitutes a Diocese or even Archdiocese. Our parish has more Catholics than the Diocese of Juneau and Alaska has 3 Diocese,… GA has 2 … go figure.

Bishop Gregory is moving from # 123 to # 62. According to this site the Atlanta Archdiocese is only 6.2% Catholic. This is mostly in the northern suburbs where where we have about a dozen very large parishes and most of the folks are from elsewhere… not many southern accents here.

We have met a lot of very sincere, very Christian Protestants here. They help make us a Red state… OK with me.

The thing I remember most about Bishop Donohue is his decree that during the Life Teen mass, the teens could no longer gather round the alter. In my circle that was a big event. LifeTeen is very strong in our parrish.

I understand that Bishop Gregory is much more Liberal. Many thanks for all your comments.

understand that Bishop Gregory is much more Liberal. Many thanks for all your comments.
Right, he is one of Berardin’s boys which why he is a big step backward for Atlanta.
He already has a public record. That can speak for itself. I stand by my previous post.
He has a record as an auxiliary in Chicago and an ordinary in Belleville. A lot of a bishop’s “record” is defined by the place where he serves and over which he must accept certain concrete circumstances as givens to deal with. Atlanta is not Belleville nor Chicago. He could end up surprizing you, then. Of course, if you’re the type who isn’t going to be happy with anybody but Fabian Bruskiewitz, then 95% of the U.S Bishops are going to disappint you, no matter who they are,
Right, he is one of Berardin’s boys which why he is a big step backward for Atlanta.
This comment has been made a few times on this thread. Does anybody care to articulate more precisely what they mean by it?

I had a decent amount of inteaction with Bishop Gregory when he was here as an auxiliary. I don’t think that dismissing him as a liberal is a fair assesment.
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