I don’t believe that you can prove your assertations of his being a “liberal”. Is he something less than a hardline conservative? Sure. But he’s also quite far from a leftist Catholic. Indeed, I would say that he is most certainly orthodox and loyal to Church teaching. Show me even one place where he has been in contradiction! In fact, I’d bet that the homily, alone (which I still recall as having a profound effect on my own life) that he gave one Ash Wednesday when I was in minor seminary would move you to quickly change your opinion and leave you begging for preachers with such profound dedication to the cross.
Have you actually ever had any interaction with the man or are you just ranting because he has an historical connection to Chicago, having become an auxilairy bishop when Cardinal Bernardin was here? I know that the name “Bernardin” is akin to a dirty curse word among conservative Catholics. Not only was Bernardin not the greatest of boogymen that everybody makes him out to be (he probably actually was more friendly to and did more for certain conservative and traditional Catholic causes than some bishops who would be considered to the right of him - nobody ever wants to talk about the good things he did, though), but there were a LOT of people from whom he was a mentor. I’ll give one example: Archbishop Kelleher of Kansas City. He’s recognized as being much more right leaning. But, he also, would probably call Bernardin his mentor, for it was under Berndardin that he became an auxiliary bishop, just like Gregory. In fact, the pectoral cross which Kelleher wears is Cardinal Bernardin’s; Kelleher asked him for it in a bold move, and the humble Cardinal took it off and gave it to him. So please don’t make outlandish accusations about a good man, a good priest, a good bishop, just because you don’t like the late Cardinal and find Wilt to be less than your own imagined ideal candidate.
Alas, unless you are planning on moving to Atlanta, you won’t have to deal with him, anyway. So let sleeping dogs lie and leave well enough alone.