Man, you just can’t please some people.
Whenever something breaks in the news regarding the Church, people take to social media clamoring for bishops to make swift and decisive statements of condemnation. No need to wait for the facts to emerge. We read one article and saw one edited video, so we know what’s what. If a bishop does not speak quickly and forecfully, he is a coward.
Then a bishop
does issue a swift and decisive statement of condemnation in response to a story, and he is vilified for caving to outside pressure and bullying high school teens before even getting his facts straight.
Said bishop
recognizes and
admits to this mistake, and people are still clamoring for his resignation and calling him a coward.
I’m surprised people aren’t asking for bishops’ heads to be put on spikes in the town square.
Does anyone who has gotten so worked up over this even know the first thing about Bishop Foys? Look at
his diocesan decree when the new Missal came out back in 2011. He reinforces that no priest should be ad libbing the Mass. He asks that the laity do not adopt the
orans posture during the Our Father, and that they should not be holding hands either. He should be a hero around these parts.
You’d think we’d want more bishops like Bishop Foys, not less.