Black Lives Matter says Biden-Harris have been silent on meeting request

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If the choice is between progressives or rightists in power I’ll take the progressives.
Nobody wins in ideological games.
Sometimes you have to make a choice. It’s not ideal but it’s the reality in a two-party system.

Be nice to have more choices but that’s not the US.
Sometimes you have to make a choice. It’s not ideal but it’s the reality in a two-party system.

Be nice to have more choices but that’s not the US.
I get that. The issue I have is folks who seem to almost have a blind allegiance to ideology without looking at the people who supposedly support that ideology. I tend to vote conservative, but that’s only because conservative candidates are the ones in America who support the rights of unborn children, for example. If an otherwise progressive person decided that they’d do the same, you can bet I’d be voting for that progressive in a millisecond.
Sometimes you have to make a choice. It’s not ideal but it’s the reality in a two-party system.

Be nice to have more choices but that’s not the US.
I get that. The issue I have is folks who seem to almost have a blind allegiance to ideology without looking at the people who supposedly support that ideology. I tend to vote conservative, but that’s only because conservative candidates are the ones in America who support the rights of unborn children, for example. If an otherwise progressive person decided that they’d do the same, you can bet I’d be voting for that progressive in a millisecond.
The Solidarity Party has a great platform. Progressive on taxes and social support systems but Pro-Life.

A pretty ideal combination for me. I guess I’m a pragmatist though.

We Catholics have to use an informed conscience in voting. I believe that faithful Catholics can arrive at either choice using their conscience.

I’m a liberal. I’m a social worker. I vote fairly left leaning. Heck Biden isn’t far enough left for my taste but I’ll take what I can get.
If the choice is between progressives or rightists in power I’ll take the progressives.
If the choice is between those who believe in individual rights and limited government, which is what the right is about, or those who believe that government power takes primacy over individual rights and that individual rights exist only insofar as government allows, which is the progressive left, I will take the right anytime.

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Sure there’s bias. My bias is that authoritarianism is authoritarianism regardless of whether they claim to be communist or fascist. My bias is my opposition to tyranny. My bias is my favoring of individual rights which do not have their source in government
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Why would they need a meeting? Their guy won. Orange man bad, Biden good. Besides he was Obama’s pick. Racism is fixed because as joe said, “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”
All is fixed! The bad time is over!
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We Catholics have to use an informed conscience in voting. I believe that faithful Catholics can arrive at either choice using their conscience.
I might disagree a bit there, but that’s a can of worms that’s been opened a lot already. We all know where our priorities lie.
Why would they need a meeting? Their guy won. Orange man bad, Biden good. Besides he was Obama’s pick. Racism is fixed because as joe said, “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”
All is fixed! The bad time is over!
Heh, 'cause Biden was never about “fixing” anything. Politicians are out for themselves.
Oh. I didn’t know that! I thought the Democratic Party was the correct moral party. Good thing Biden has a draining the swamp right!
Oh. I didn’t know that! I thought the Democratic Party was the correct moral party.
Ayup. If you vote conservatively, you are an Evil Awful Bad and you are forever stapled to Orange Man’s hip as his Badwrong Evil Enforcer, forever and ever. Because, you know, Orange Man bad.

Biden, on the other hand, is Most Great Justice Man and gets his powers of Good from sniffing the Awesome out of the hair of his voters, who are Good and Right always.
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When I first heard someone start calling fascism leftist, I realized this next generation is going to be lost with such an unstable language. Up can be down, right can be left. If using terms like right and left was questionable, it will soon become meaningless.
I had never heard the Nazis called leftists until coming here to CAF
Same here. This is why defining terms is important, lest we speak past each other. I find it fascinating who the language people use can so closely reveal which angry pundits that they feed themselves on.
I think you missed some early coverage.

Sometimes a group gets the attention it merits.
BLM is doing the same thing it has always been doing, now that the election is over, they are starting to get a closer look.
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When I first heard someone start calling fascism leftist, I realized this next generation is going to be lost with such an unstable language. Up can be down, right can be left. If using terms like right and left was questionable, it will soon become meaningless.
If you can identify a significant difference between the authoritarianism of communism and that of fascism, particularly in terms of the relationship between the individual and the state, I’d be interested to hear it.
„The authority of the State is not subject to negotiation, or compromise, or to divide its terrain with other moral or religious principles that might interfere in consciousness. The authority of the State has force and is true authority if, within consciousness, it is entirely unconditioned.“ - Giovanni Gentile
Is that leftist, or fascist?
If you can identify a significant difference between the authoritarianism of communism and that of fascism, particularly in terms of the relationship between the individual and the state, I’d be interested to hear it.
Being older, I know how it was taught. As both approach totalitarianism under one person, the differences become less, but the difference is how totalitarianism comes about. One comes from increased Marxism, as state control shifts from groups to a person. The other comes from increased emphasis on security, law enforcement, and militarization.

There is a real danger in defining fascism as leftist. If we get to the point that we only consider that we lose our civil liberties by increased government control of the left, then we miss that the same thing can happen from conservatives increasing government control. At this time, this is the only danger. This presidency is the only one where discussions of martial law have taken place to avoid losing power following being ousted in an election. Of course it was just talk, and probably never seriously contemplated, but it does illustrate how fascism can result in totalitarianism from the right.

Any way, this is the way the political spectrum was taught. Redefining it should be a little scary, as the only reason to do so is to hide the danger that has been historically proven to be real.
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All language has been fungible …the difference is that now days its reached absurdity 🤔 …and I don’t mean in the description of left and right necessarily. After all, Antifa claims they are fighting facism while using facistic tactics. 😠

But it is worse …now days men are women and women are men … Or can be and are allowed to randomly interchange while forcing the world to conform and confirm …

Headlines actually proclaim such absurdities as “First man gives birth to baby girl” :rolleyes: and men’s restrooms are installing dispensers for feminine hygiene products. Men are competing in Women’s sporting events and vice versa. Parents are declining to disclose the sex of their children and the world seems determined to increase the number of genders from two to infinity … 🙃

Why worry about a classis static definition of “Left” and “Right” 🤣
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Why worry about a classis static definition of “Left” and “Right”
I thought I explained my concern. The whole repeating history thing. This particular re-branding of fascism is not a matter of fungibility, but of ignoring a potential danger.

Take the argument above, where it was asked the difference between totalitarian communism and fascism. If they are the same, then the argument is equally that Marxism is really far right totalitarianism, as it is that both are far left. In that case, the danger would be ignorance of where excessive government socialism could lead. That is why the far left has been harping so much on fascism as a danger. They do not see the peril of extreme socialism. I think this faction will be disappointed in what will happen over the next four years. Look to a socialist challenger to rise in 2024 among the Democrats.
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