Black Lives Matter says Biden-Harris have been silent on meeting request

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There is a real danger in defining fascism as leftist. If we get to the point that we only consider that we lose our civil liberties by increased government control of the left, then we miss that the same thing can happen from conservatives increasing government control.
If the axis measures ‘state control’ then facism does belong with socialism. This doesn’t prevent some ‘conservative’ governments from sitting near by on the plot.

Classic liberalism would be on the opposite end, since it promoted individual rights and protections against the state. US conservatives have also been on both ends of the axis (i.e. McCarthyism). It’s only in recent decades that conservatives have cared so much about individual rights. It seems to coincide with the death of classic liberalism in the US.
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Being older, I know how it was taught. As both approach totalitarianism under one person, the differences become less, but the difference is how totalitarianism comes about. One comes from increased Marxism, as state control shifts from groups to a person. The other comes from increased emphasis on security, law enforcement, and militarization.
In fascist states such as Italy and Germany, and even Spain under Franco, your description of Marxism fits perfectly. That said, the mode by which they come to power is not nearly as important as the similarity which which they rule, not to mention the common roots from which they spring.
There is a real danger in defining fascism as leftist. If we get to the point that we only consider that we lose our civil liberties by increased government control of the left, then we miss that the same thing can happen from conservatives increasing government control.
If “conservatives “ increase government control, they’ve moved dramatically left. What you have to fear from the right is a rightward lurch to anarchy, where government is diminished so much that it is unable to perform its primary function: protect the rights of the individual. This no doubt leads to tyranny to fill the void.
At this time, this is the only danger. This presidency is the only one where discussions of martial law have taken place to avoid losing power following being ousted in an election.
Those who claim to be leftist pose a far greater and real threat, as compared to anything perceived from an imaginary threat of marshal law. The left is currently attacking not just the basic individual rights protected by the constitution, but also the foundational principles of the origin of those rights and the limits placed on government regarding them.
Any way, this is the way the political spectrum was taught.
This is not the way it began. The considering of fascism to be far right is a concoction of the left. Fascism is only right in a marginal sense from communism.
All language has been fungible …the difference is that now days its reached absurdity
Exactly. The term “right” has been completely turned on its head. A right is not created by nor provided for by government. Rights are antecedent to government because they are granted to us by nature’s God.
But today, the left say a right is something government provides. In some cases, a right can be taken away.
Effectively, they’ve changed the meaning of the term to be a privilege provided by government power.
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That said, the mode by which they come to power is not nearly as important as the similarity which which they rule, not to mention the common roots from which they spring.
I could not disagree more. This is a classic example of failure to learn from history, then being in danger or repeating it.
Those who claim to be leftist pose a far greater and real threat, as compared to anything perceived from an imaginary threat of marshal law.
Again, cannot agree.

As those on the left see the threat from the right, and those on the right only see the threat from the left, we need more Americans to try and step back from identity politics. Otherwise, we have half of America blind in the left eye, and half in the right.
I could not disagree more. This is a classic example of failure to learn from history, then being in danger or repeating it.
The method by which the come to power is irrelevant to how they act in power. Knowing how the come to power is, of course critical for preventing it. We see this today with riots in the streets and attempts to silence speech.
As those on the left see the threat from the right, and those on the right only see the threat from the left, we need more Americans to try and step back from identity politics. Otherwise, we have half of America blind in the left eye, and half in the right.
Not sure how what I said contradicts this. I’ve been saying all year and before that there is nothing good on either side, fascist or communist. Rejecting Antifa and Neo-Nazis, who are effectively the same, is critical to saving the republic.
My fear is we respond in a way similar to the Weimar Republic, taking sides between those who are equally evil.
The same goes for white supremacy and intersectionality. Identity politics, regardless of its source, is bigotry.
While I never signed on to the BLM organization I did get swept up in the emotionalism of the cause but have since completely distanced myself from the movement after much discernment. I’m happy this presidency is turning away from dialogue with them.

Language does matter. The far left is fascist. Fascism can occur on either side. I was once a liberal but I started to see the hypocrisy a few years ago and it has only gotten worse. I literally heard two friends of mine say they admired China’s draconian Covid tactics because it meant they were controlling the virus. I had a co-worker snap at me for saying I had questions about the vaccine. Everyone has the right to question a medication, especially one rapidly developed. My employers cower in fear of leftism and go along with the agenda and I can tell others feel as I do but keep quiet. Scary times. I do have hope because more people are waking up to the BS and are tired of being thought policed.
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