Black Woman Refuses To Let Flight Attendant Pass Her On Plane Because Of "White Privilege"

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I am wondering whether this woman has mental health problems. Listen to what she says:
Wake up. You got a mask on, so you’re under the government too. You’re confined, and you don’t have white privilege any more. I’m a queen. California. She was from a black queen.
I would say she sounds more unwell than obnoxious.
An interesting dynamic is happening there which I think is underlying a lot of the protest movement.
It’s the idea that the tables have turned against white people and the supposed power we’ve held over other races is gone now. And this excuses people of color to assert their own interests even to the point of boorish and violent behavior. You have to admit that racism has contributed to the chaos, even if the tone of the response is not justified.

Reparations come to mind: the idea that grievances will now be addressed in a vengeful way.
It’s a sad time.
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No person living today is owed reparations for slavery. Not a single one of them has been a slave. I never owned another human being as a slave, so I don’t owe anyone reparations. That said, if they want to play that game, my ancestry is Irish. The Irish were slaves before the Africans were. Where are “my” reparations?
Can someone please tell me where to go to get white privilege
It’s inherent. Over the 250+ plus years laws and society have been structured to enshrine white supremacy in government, economics, and social life. Even though current laws are no longer written explicitly with racial bias, there is still unequal enforcement, white people are more likely to get a lesser sentence for the same crime a POC would, white people tend to live in more affluent areas, have an easier time getting mortgages, and receiver better access to public services like schools. On top of all that, white people don’t tend to get shot in the back by police officers, instead, they can walk by them holding an AR15 after shooting 3 people and then go home to sleep peacefully in bed and get their story straight. Or shoot up a black church and get taken to Burger King.

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Canada is very strict
I think you mean “WestJet.” Not the country of Canda
I don’t know where the guidelines are coming from. I know is the US article of children, it said Federal Aviation Administration was a factor,
And we are expected to just lay down and take this crap?
Yes, you are. Show some remorse and a sense of shame for furthering the oppressive society that grants privilege to whiteness. The absolute least white people can do is not get indignant when a POC has the audacity to expect a little bit of deferential treatment as recompense for generations of white on POC violence and systematic oppression and disenfranchisement.
I think that this nation has taken great strides to atone for systemic and institutional racism of the past. We now have laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, religion, marital status, national origin and even, in some cases, sexual orientation.

Credit card companies cannot deny credit to people in good standing simply because of their race, gender, etc.

Banks cannot refuse to grant loans based on that criteria.

Employers cannot refuse to hire or promote people based on that criteria.

Any business that discriminates against people based on race or any of those other criteria can be sued, and their staff and/or owners can be brought up on charges of civil rights violations.

We have come a long way toward correcting our history of racial injustice. We have tried to make things right.

POC have lots of opportunities today that they didn’t have in the past. And many have become very successful and wealthy by using those opportunities to better themselves, and there are many more POC holding public office than ever before.

Barack Obama, a person of color, was elected president not just once, but twice!

Does that sound like racism to you?
For this, and for similar and related posts, I wish to thank you. By making such thought processes and claims openly, you awaken a lot of people to the existence of this sort of mindset. Which is revelatory, and all to the good. As Oscar Wilde (probably) said, To Be Explicit Is To Be Found Out.

Please, do carry on.
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I have a few questions:
  1. Your chart does not show Asian Americans, who have a higher average income than white Americans. Why do you think they are not negatively impacted by white privilege?
  2. Is the disparity between Asian Americans and Black or Hispanic Americans due to Asian privilege?
  3. How would you explain why Nigerian immigrants to the US have average incomes higher than the US median? Is this due to Nigerian immigrant privilege?
I think the word “privilege” has lousy connotations so I won’t call this black privilege. But I have seen blacks throw their weight around the workplace using their race as the weapon of choice. Occasionally, it’s justified. Most of the time, no. Sometimes they have gotten away with it, sometimes not.

About reparations: as of 1960, black rate of out of wedlock births was 22%. That rate has been in the 70’s in recent decades. I don’t think slavery was responsible for driving the black father away from family formation. I strongly believe that the lack of black fathers with their families is the single biggest factor in the pathologies of the black underclass. Not slavery. If one really wants to help blacks, figure out to bring the black fathers back into the family. Took a couple of generations to get here, will likely take at least a generation or two to fix this. But no one wants to do the hard work when the easy way is to steal billions from everyone else under the guise of reparations and watch the white liberals skim that cash grab.
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I have seen blacks throw their weight around the workplace using their race as the weapon of choice
I’ve seen black colleagues be treated disrespectfully in business meetings because people automatically assume they are of lesser professional status.
Yes, you are. Show some remorse and a sense of shame for furthering the oppressive society that grants privilege to whiteness. The absolute least white people can do is not get indignant when a POC has the audacity to expect a little bit of deferential treatment as recompense for generations of white on POC violence and systematic oppression and disenfranchisement.
Referring to her as a piece of caca seems a bit much. Take it easy.
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Just out of curiosity, how do you know for sure that people were treated badly due to their race? Is it possible it could have been for some other reason?
If that were true, in that particular instance (or instances) , did you do anything about it?
Does it negate the"reverse racism" of white people fearing that a Black person is going to accuse them of something, so they are afraid to tell the truth?

If there had been no video of this first incident, what could that Black lady have made out of it? “Those racist White people wouldn’t let me go to the bathroom?”
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We should not allow ourselves to become angry over incidents like this. Out of the millions of interactions between black people and white, there will be some people of each race acting like jerks.

All this does is to pull people into the whirlpool of recriminations and to add to the division between the races.

And that is what people who post these kinds of things want.
Just out of curiosity, how do you know for sure that people were treated badly due to their race? Is it possible it could have been for some other reason?
If that were true, in that particular instance (or instances) , did you do anything about it?
I don’t want to go into too many details due to the business I’m in, but there have been instances where it’s been glaringly obvious that coworkers with a great deal of experience and impeccable credentials are either ignored or treated condescendingly . It sometimes starts right before the first handshake when we walk in the door and see the look of surprise on people’s faces.

It’s a horrible situation to be in. My colleagues who have experienced this have unfortunately had to become very adept at navigating this and acting with the utmost professionalism and confidence. We do our best to direct the conversation and allow our colleagues with the expertise to highlight their knowledge, leadership, and make it known that they are integral parts of the team. If the behavior continues, it’s reported to our team management to deal with. After that, I’m not privy to the content of the conversations, but it’s made known that we are 100% inclusive and behavior to the contrary won’t be tolerated.
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I don’t know where the guidelines are coming from.
Multiple places. When it’s not known, it may be better to not attribute it.

The Federal Aviation Administration and Canadian Air Regulations both have guidance (suggestions) and rules relating to COVID-19, as do the regulating bodies for aviation in other countries. Additionally an airline may have a set of rules that it enforces. Those rules may be from the guidance that they have decided to mandate, or it may be something that have come up with themselves. For international flights a flight may also enforce rules from more than one nation. An airport may also have COVID-19 specific rules.
More unarmed white people were killed by police in 2019 than unarmed black people.
In the USA, there are more people classified as white (73%) than classified as black (13%).
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