And we are expected to just lay down and take this crap?
Yes, you are. Show some remorse and a sense of shame for furthering the oppressive society that grants privilege to whiteness. The absolute least white people can do is not get indignant when a POC has the audacity to expect a little bit of deferential treatment as recompense for generations of white on POC violence and systematic oppression and disenfranchisement.
I think that this nation has taken great strides to atone for systemic and institutional racism of the past. We now have laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, religion, marital status, national origin and even, in some cases, sexual orientation.
Credit card companies cannot deny credit to people in good standing simply because of their race, gender, etc.
Banks cannot refuse to grant loans based on that criteria.
Employers cannot refuse to hire or promote people based on that criteria.
Any business that discriminates against people based on race or any of those other criteria can be sued, and their staff and/or owners can be brought up on charges of civil rights violations.
We have come a long way toward correcting our history of racial injustice. We have tried to make things right.
POC have lots of opportunities today that they didn’t have in the past. And many have become very successful and wealthy by using those opportunities to better themselves, and there are many more POC holding public office than ever before.
Barack Obama, a person of color, was elected president not just once, but twice!
Does that sound like racism to you?