Blue christmas?

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Hi cove,
Regardless of whose seniments they are…they’re wonderful and have given new meaning to this “Dark Time” during the Advent Season…Bless you! Annunciata 🙂
I am glad you like them. The Advent retreat I did last weekend was my own special Christmas “treat” for myself. It was a wonderful break from the stressful “outside” forces that inundate us at this time of year.

Here is one more quote that meant alot to me and then I will put this to rest in case I am offending anyone with Sr. Joan quotes.😉

“The lack of contemplative consideration that comes with Christmas consumerism too often drowns out the sounds of Advent. What’s worse it not only drains the meaning out of Christmas but even, perhaps, the rest of the year as well.”

God bless you, Annunciata. And I wish you a blessed and peaceful Advent.
Dear Cove,
You’re not offending me as long as everyone knows that Sr. Joan has written several things that dissent against the magesterium.
These quotes are beautiful though.
I am glad you like them. The Advent retreat I did last weekend was my own special Christmas “treat” for myself. It was a wonderful break from the stressful “outside” forces that inundate us at this time of year.

Here is one more quote that meant alot to me and then I will put this to rest in case I am offending anyone with Sr. Joan quotes.😉

“The lack of contemplative consideration that comes with Christmas consumerism too often drowns out the sounds of Advent. What’s worse it not only drains the meaning out of Christmas but even, perhaps, the rest of the year as well.”

God bless you, Annunciata. And I wish you a blessed and peaceful Advent.
not b-b-b-b-blue C-c-c-christmas exactly, but for a long time the holidays have done absolutely nothing for me. Of course I have intellectual assent of faith to the mystery of the incarnation, and in the second coming, that Advent and Christmas are about, but as far as the human sentiments, nope, nada. When family was home it just meant a long string of extra work, preparing meals to be eaten in front of a TV watching football, lots of shopping to spend too much money buying things nobody really wants. Gift giving came to be a cause of resentment, rather than joy. i.e. give something to every niece & nephew, plus an extra something to those who are also godchildren. Parents complained we were favoring the godchild over the other ones. So as to absolve ourselves of the guilt, we stopped giving presents at all. Huge sigh of relief on everyone’s part.

Gift giving has just become a duty and meaningless ritual of consumerism. Last year spent more than gifts were worth to ship things north to grandkiddies. This year - cash to kidlets, everybody much happier. Sent gift certificates last year to adults, some of them have never been used. What is the everlovin’ point of this exercise?

We will do Christmas in July when I get up north to see them, like my mom did, spend a day with each grand-kiddie doing what they want to do. last year it was mini-golf for one, day at corvette museum with another, toddler wanted to rove about the dollar store, playing foosball and air hockey at Chucky Cheese with Grandson, American Girl doll tea party for oldest girl at the local library. Gifts of time, experience, togetherness rather than things.

to me, holidays mean more football, less time together, nothing to rejoice about in that.
We will do Christmas in July when I get up north to see them, like my mom did, spend a day with each grand-kiddie doing what they want to do.
Now that sounds like an interesting alternative…😉 .I’d still prefer to go through all the holiday meals and gifts and toys and…tears…they are just a part of it for me…course I hide it very well. They all think I’m so HAPPY! But you know what…I wouldn’t want them to even suspect that I was anything but HAPPY! Do you think if I keep saying it it will happen?:rolleyes: Anyway, I wish you a very blessed and Christfilled Christmas! God Bless, Annunciata:)
Is anybody else out there having the “Blues” during this season? Please feel free to share and I’ll remember you in prayer… only you have to promise to pray for me too!👋

Is anybody else out there having the “Blues” during this season? Please feel free to share and I’ll remember you in prayer… only you have to promise to pray for me too!👋

I’ll pray for you and I thank you so much for praying for me…I am doing better but have some moments…still,am much better 🙂

BTW, can you recomend a good book on the life of Josemaria Echsiva (sp?) And Padre Pio…good bios?
I’ll pray for you and I thank you so much for praying for me…I am doing better but have some moments…still,am much better 🙂

BTW, can you recomend a good book on the life of Josemaria Echsiva (sp?) And Padre Pio…good bios?
Good…I’m glad you’re doing better and so am I.
Here is a link to the book that helped convince me to take a closer look at Opus Dei At God’s Pace
I’m not sure of a good one on Padre Pio…I’ve read several…perhaps someone else could suggest a really good one. Annunciata:)
Good…I’m glad you’re doing better and so am I.
Here is a link to the book that helped convince me to take a closer look at Opus Dei At God’s Pace
I’m not sure of a good one on Padre Pio…I’ve read several…perhaps someone else could suggest a really good one. Annunciata:)
I’ll check on the book you suggested…
Thanks Annunciata 🙂
… to all those reading this. God Loves You all no matter what family you had. Christmas is a time of Hope. Bring this Hope to those in your circle of life. Yes, I cry at every Christmas song, and every TV special on. This is normal Annunciata. This time of year always brings to most folks, tears of joy, tears of heartache, tears of praise, tears of thankfulness. Let’s be glad for our tears, for it lets us all know we are human, that we can still feel, in this world today.
Very nice thoughts, Sparkle! We should all be mindful of them not only at Christmas but all year round!
God Bless,

Merry Christmas to All !:love:
Is anybody else out there having the “Blues” during this season? Please feel free to share and I’ll remember you in prayer… only you have to promise to pray for me too!👋

I could use some please. Just had what I refer to as “the annual Christmas fight” with my mom. I have no good reason like others here to dislike or dread the holidays. I just do. My mom and I were trying to discover after the “fight” was over why we dislike the Christmas season. We still do not know. Nothing bad ever happened. We always went to Mass and concentrated on the reason for the season. It doesn’t make sense…
This year is oh- so - blue. I lost my father the Sunday after Thanksgiving. He had been in hospice care since late September. So we all knew he would eventually pass away. He had a heart attack and no one expected him live, so every extra day with him was truly a gift. But it still hurts. I am always on the verge of tears. I just can’t imagine not having him here. I did get to help decorate his last Christmas tree and got to spend lots of time with him. Many round trip flights. He lived in Orlando and I am in Annapolis, I was flying down that Wednsday to be with him, but of course it was too late.Thankfully I was there just the week before.
I have found that writing him letters helps to heal a bit. I know he will be rejoicing with our Lord this Christmas and that he will be with us to help us.
My father- in- law committed suicide two days before Christmas in 1999. So husband is blue also. Thank God for our son, who helps pull us of the funk that we get into. Please pray for me and my family and I will pray for all of you too!
This year is oh- so - blue. I lost my father the Sunday after Thanksgiving….
I can’t imagine a worse time to lose a loved one than at or around Christmas when all of your memories of him are going to come flooding back…. Just take each day as it comes…God will send you the Graces to get through it.
My father- in- law committed suicide two days before Christmas in 1999. So husband is blue also. Thank God for our son, who helps pull us of the funk that we get into….
How awful for him…. remember that little guy WILL also help tremendously in bringing the both of you through it and please be assured of my prayers.
God Bless,
I could use some please. Just had what I refer to as “the annual Christmas fight” with my mom. I have no good reason like others here to dislike or dread the holidays. I just do. My mom and I were trying to discover after the “fight” was over why we dislike the Christmas season. We still do not know. Nothing bad ever happened. We always went to Mass and concentrated on the reason for the season. It doesn’t make sense…
Well, at least you talk about it…that really helps…sometimes just the frustration of the season can do it with all the shopping and parties and the hustle bustle can make things very edgy …sounds like you and your Mom are a good team:thumbsup: … I’ll certainly remember you in my prayers.
God Bless,
Does anyone else ever get “Blue” during the Christmas Season? Anyone else share the same symptoms?
Yep. I had it for years. I had trouble reconciling what I felt w/ what I saw. I saw many wars in a time that was supposed to be peaceful; I saw starvation and deprivation at a time we think of sharing w/ the less fortunate; I saw materialism at a time of self sacrifice. It depressed me very much. I am better now but still don’t like the season all that much.
I always am on the verge of tears anyway, any time of year, am probably nuts on this one, but to all those reading this. God Loves You all no matter what family you had. Christmas is a time of Hope. Bring this Hope to those in your circle of life. ~~
What a beautiful way of putting things sparkle. You are living up to your screen name!:blessyou:
Yes, I cry at every Christmas song, and every TV special on. This is normal Annunciata. This time of year always brings to most folks, tears of joy, tears of heartache, tears of praise, tears of thankfulness. Let’s be glad for our tears, for it lets us all know we are human, that we can still feel, in this world today.
God Bless You Friend~~
I agree with sparkle. I cry with every beautiful song I hear in church or on the radio. My kids laugh at me because I cry during every sentimental movie. I just watched Elf with them and cried when the girl started singing. I just can’t help it

To all of you that are fighting the blues, I am praying that you get through the Christmas season and that you come out of it a more content person. I do think we need to lean on God when we are burdened. I know some people need medication also, but ask God for help too. He is waiting to hear from all of us. Merry Christmas and may the Peace of the season find you all.
This Christmas will really be different. During the year, we lost my mother-in-law after many years of sickness, my brother-in law, and lastly, my favorite dog. But it is still a time of happiness. After all, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus. I can remember when I was a kid, that the present I wanted most was a boy’s bicycle. I had been riding my sisters bike, and I was made fun of by the other kids. My mom and dad were divorced, and we had very little money. On Christmas eve, before midnite Mass, we were opening a few presents (usually clothes), when my mom said she thought she heard a noise at the back door. When I opened the door, there stood a brand-new boys bicycle. I about fell over with shock. I don’t know to this day who brought the bike to our house, because our family was all inside. That happened probably 50 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I said “thank you” many times at midnite Mass that nite. Merry Christmas and God bless all on the forum.
Davy, I am sorry for all your loss this year. I will say a prayer that you find God’s love to help you through this Christmas. I know when I have had years like that it is not so easy to get through a holiday. This is when you need to lean heavier on the Lord and He will see you through. Merry Christmas, and you will be in my prayers.
This Christmas will really be different. During the year, we lost my mother-in-law after many years of sickness, my brother-in law, and lastly, my favorite dog. But it is still a time of happiness. After all, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus… .
I’m sorry for the losses in your life this past year…always hard at Christmas when everyone else is so joyful…but we have our memories… and above all we must be mindful that we are celebrating the Greatest Gift to the world…Our Lord Jesus Christ!
All of you who are down, lift up your hearts and let us think of the promises of Christ and ask Our Lady’s intercession…imagine what her thoughts might have been? Mothers always take care of their children and make them feel better!
Sooo…I wish you and all a very joyful and blessed Christmas!
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