Think about what that means and see if you are truly ready to do so.
Courage, honesty, loyalty, respect, civility, etc., are, then, for YOU not qualitatively different from cowardice, dishonesty, disloyalty, cruelty, barbarism, etc.
Now that would seem an odd admission on your part. In fact, it is tantamount to claiming immorality is, qualitatively speaking, no different from morality.
If human perfection, as Aristotle went to great pains to show, is the practice of human virtues like courage, then imperfection would be a failing of virtue. For you, since virtues are “arbitrary,” courage and cowardice are not qualitatively distinct. That, I submit, makes you less than human, if you sincerely believe it to be true and practice what you preach. You would then laud the cowards as you do the courageous? Or think nor more nor less of cowards than you do of the brave? Think no more nor less of rapists or murderers than you do of respectful, civil, law-abiding individuals? Do you?
That is what you are left with to own. Do you?