Yes. You’re mischaracterizing his argument.
The only way to have imperfections is to ASSUME the existence of a perfect version that the imperfect instantiation is a flawed copy of.
Not quite. Boethius is dealing with the problem that he and his contemporaries were trying to wrap their heads around: ‘universals’ and ‘particulars.’ (Boethius eventually was able to explain the Aristotelian solution with a harmonization of realist (“universals have real existence”) and conceptualist (“universals exist in the mind”) perspectives, but he himself probably was closer to a sort of neo-Platonist perspective.
So, in the context of the quote that @IWantGod provides (BTW, @IWantGod, are you lifting text from Are you the author at that site?), Boethius says, “here I conceive it proper to inquire, first, whether any excellence, such as thou hast lately defined, can exist in the nature of things, lest we be deceived by an empty fiction of thought to which no true reality answers.” In other words, he’s asking “do universals exist as ‘substance’ (i.e., ‘form’)?” Without asserting that they exist
in reality, as things unto themselves, he asserts that universals
do exist.
So, before you get all worked up, I think it’s important for you to ask, “what is the ‘existence’ that Boethius is positing here?”. Before you toss his solution out the window, it would help to understand what he’s trying to ask, and how he’s trying to answer it.
So you have to ASSUME the existence of the perfect version in order to prove the existence of the perfect version.
No, I think you’re seeing a circular argument where there is none. His argument is that we would not recognize imperfection if there weren’t perfection that we compare it to. So, it’s not “assume God exists; therefore God exists”. Rather, it’s “does God exist? Yes – the recognition of imperfection leads us to conclude that there must be ‘perfection’. We call that perfection – which we posit rationally – by the name ‘God’.”
If there is no perfect version, then there are no imperfections, and if there are no imperfections, then there is no perfect version. Voila!!! I disproved the existence of God.
You remind me of the passage from Adams’ “Hitchhiker” novel, in which God proves His own non-existence by asserting His existence. At least Adams realized the joke he was making.
(P.S., your argument fails to state the crux of the argument. Let me fix it for you:
If there is no perfect version, then there are no imperfections, and if there are no imperfections, then there is no perfect version. But, there are imperfections. Therefore, the perfection – i.e., God – exists. Voila!!!
Glad I could help you work through your proof.