But the conclusion, the mind makes its own reality does not follow.
Like I said, people behave probabilistically, not rationalistically. If I put you in a room with three doors. And behind one of the doors was eternal paradise, and behind the other two lay a gruesome death. And I told you that the odds of paradise being behind door number one was 85%, behind door number two was 10%, and behind door number three was 5%.
Which door would you choose?
A rational person would always choose door number one. You wouldn’t expect them to choose door number one 85% of the time, and number two 10% of the time, and number three 5% of the time. Each individual should make the rational choice, 100% of the time. The results wouldn’t be probabilistic, they would be rationalistic.
But people don’t behave rationally, they behave probabilistically. They make irrational choices.
Think of it like an electron in the double slit experiment. If we pass it through the slits we have no idea where it will end up. It might appear at first as if the particle had free will. As if it chose of its own volition where to go. It’s only when we pass a great deal of particles through the slits that the true nature of the particles behavior emerges. It’s behaving probabilistically. It doesn’t have free will at all.
The same thing holds true for the behavior of people. When you look at them individually, they appear to have free will, but when you look at them collectively, they’re not behaving rationally as one would expect, they’re behaving as if their behavior is probabilistic not rationalistic.
People act like electrons, with a semblance of free will, but not actual free will. They simply don’t behave like rational people should behave.