It’s not productive to start redefining things for a political purpose.
All right, let’s bring some reality to the discussion. When did the term “implicit racism” first start appearing? 1960. Its usage peaked about 1998 and has been declining.
Google Ngram Viewer
Now let’s examine the term more fully: Wikipedia will do.
Aversive racism - Wikipedia
" implicit racism includes unconscious biases, expectations, or tendencies that exist within an individual, regardless of ill-will or any self-aware prejudices." “Research has not revealed a downward trend in implicit racism that would mirror the decline of explicit racism.” --footnoted with an academic psychological study
Some here have quibbled with “my” (it’s not just me…) use of the word “racism” and “ethnic.” The UN disagrees–The UN defines “racism” as " … any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life." “racial” = “ethic”
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination - Wikipedia
And–once again–I will invite everyone to take the “implicit racism” test. It was developed at Yale in 1998 and now sponsored by Harvard, Virginia, and Washington universities. 14.5 million tests have been given. Conclusion? " Researchers have uncovered four main results from this large data set: People are unaware of their implicit biases, biases are pervasive, implicit biases predict behavior, and people differ in their levels of implicit bias. Specific to implicit racism, people harbor negative associations in reference to particular racial groups while reporting that they hold no such biases, resulting in statistically significant racial preferences such as 75 to 80 percent of white and
Asian Americans showing an implicit racial preference for whites over African Americans."
Take a Test Go to p. 2 and take the test labelled “racism” and then, just for fun, go on to the one labelled “skin tone.”
Racism is an attitude or belief not a preference
Wait a second…can’t a “preference” be an “attitude or belief”? I prefer chocolate cake over sponge cake…don’t I “believe” that I like chocolate cake better? Isn’t that a “preference”? Of course it is.