Breast Feeding During Mass?

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I think I have seen everything tonight. I was at Mass and the lady in the pew in front of me had a small infant. She was with her hubby and another child about 2 or so. The infant started crying…as they do…and instead of grabbing a bottle or getting up to go to the Cry Room (we have a nice one)…she proceeded to start breast feeding. The gentleman on the other side of her about dropped his teeth.

What are your thoughts?:confused:

There was a very long discussion of this earlier this year, and that discussion was moved to the “Catholic Answers Forums > Forums > Catholic Living > Family Life > Parenting” forum as that forum seemed more appropriate for the topic since breastfeeding is not part of any liturgy or sacrament. You might want to give it a read. It’s over 260 replies long.
no problem with it…I ahve breast fed my kids at mass…mind you no one knew I was feeding them though:)
…and instead of grabbing a bottle or getting up to go to the Cry Room (we have a nice one)…she proceeded to start breast feeding.

My thought is why is a bottle OK, but a breast is not? It is God’s intended way of feeding infants.

I have no problem with it.

I do have a problem with those judging mothers bringing infants to mass and feeding them naturally.
I think I have seen everything tonight. I was at Mass and the lady in the pew in front of me had a small infant. She was with her hubby and another child about 2 or so. The infant started crying…as they do…and instead of grabbing a bottle or getting up to go to the Cry Room (we have a nice one)…she proceeded to start breast feeding. The gentleman on the other side of her about dropped his teeth.

What are your thoughts?:confused:

Was she covered? I usually covered my chest with a blanket and no one could see that I was feeding my baby.

I am blessed that my church has a nice room connected to the ladies bathroom, that has comfortable chairs and you can hear the mass in it. So, I would probably hang out there.

Even if she hung out in the cry room, there are some that would be offended. Once I overheard a couple women griping because they saw a mother breastfeeding in the women’s bathroom.
Where do you think the Blessed Mother fed Jesus? In the cry room? I don’t think so. And I’m certain she didn’t whip out a bottle.

I have no problem with it whatsoever assuming she was covered up. I don’t know about your cry room, but my cry room is filled with cranky crying toddlers & their toys - not a good place to nurse.

I think both you and the guy next to her who “dropped his teeth” should be paying more attention to the mass and less attention to the people around you.

Those are my thoughts.
I think I have seen everything tonight. I was at Mass and the lady in the pew in front of me had a small infant. She was with her hubby and another child about 2 or so. The infant started crying…as they do…and instead of grabbing a bottle or getting up to go to the Cry Room (we have a nice one)…she proceeded to start breast feeding. The gentleman on the other side of her about dropped his teeth.

What are your thoughts?:confused:

If she was in the pew infront of you, there’s hardly any way you could have seen anything. There is nothing wrong with feeding a baby when she needs fed and where she needs fed. Hopefully a woman will breastfeed discreetly, but accidents will happen, esp with a newborn. I suggest you read the other threads on this issue and then say a prayer for yourself for understanding and for the family for strength and perserverence for having to deal with non-understanding people at Mass.

God bless,
In my parish, where most families have 7+ children (I’m not kidding), often a mother with lots of little ones can’t just get up and leave to go feed her tiny baby in a drafty narthex and leave her husband with a small circus on his hands.

Let’s be fair here. People need to realize that breastfeeding a child is not an act of immodesty! Is it possible to do it immodestly, yes, and the same could be said for just about anything. But the act in itself is natural and was created by God, the very same God who makes Himself present body blood soul and divinity on the altar, and if He had a problem wiht it, believe me, I think He would speak up!. Let me tell you something, men don’t get a rise out of seeing a woman feed her baby. They are far more likely to develop immodest thoughts over the teenage girl in a nearby pew who, although possibly full covered, is wearing skin tight clothing, leaving little to the imagination. Context, context, context. Instead of rushing to judge, congratulate the woman for feeding her baby the way God intended.
After reading the comments on this thread, I have to judge that you folks are a bunch of idiots. I don’t believe I was judging…i was surprised and thopught a more appropriate area might be in the Cry Room…which was empty.

I also was able to ascertain what the woman was doing because she didn’t do it modestly. Duh!

I think I have seen everything tonight. I was at Mass and the lady in the pew in front of me had a small infant. She was with her hubby and another child about 2 or so. The infant started crying…as they do…and instead of grabbing a bottle or getting up to go to the Cry Room (we have a nice one)…she proceeded to start breast feeding. The gentleman on the other side of her about dropped his teeth.

What are your thoughts?:confused:

i breastfeed during mass; i am not able to use bottles, my son is alergic to dairy and soy and i can’t pump but even if i could i wouldn’t…i always have him in a sling so no one can see
A woman should be as modest as possible but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way completely.

I never had to breasfeed any of my children in church but I would have if necessary. Why should a woman be banished to another room? As soon as she started fiddling with her clothes it should have been obvious what was happening and you should have respectfully averted your eyes. Which really shouldn’t have been watching the situation anyway after more than a few seconds. If it wasn’t obvious to you then you are now better prepared for next time. Crying child, mother fiddling with clothes=look away .
…mind you no one knew I was feeding them though:)
And that’s the difference.

Some women feel the need to make a big commotion about it and look around with a big smile on their face to see who notices.
After reading the comments on this thread, I have to judge that you folks are a bunch of idiots. I don’t believe I was judging…i was surprised and thopught a more appropriate area might be in the Cry Room…which was empty.

I also was able to ascertain what the woman was doing because she didn’t do it modestly. Duh!

Niiiiice 😦 glad we’re displaying our Christian stripes. No one was rude to you. We were telling you our experiences. I have nursed 5 children some at Mass and I don’t think anyone was the wiser (use of a sling or blanket). Most women don’t make a big display of feeding their child. I’m sorry this woman made you uncomfortable, for all you know this was the first time she tried at Mass and failed. Forgive her and move on with your life.

…she’s probably the same woman who won’t take her loudly crying baby to the cry room. Or take the baby’s misbehaving older brother to the woodshed.

Their all whippersnappers!

But then again, we have an elderly priest who urges that the entire family, babies and all, remain together in the church.
And that’s the difference.

Some women feel the need to make a big commotion about it and look around with a big smile on their face to see who notices.
I am not doubting that you have seen this Mark but I, personally, have never seen a woman acting like this. There are probably some that do, but they must be a rarity.

You’re incorrect about people not being upset when breastfeeding is done modestly.

As I stated in another post, I have heard women complain both about a woman breastfeeding in a restroom and about a woman pumping her breast in a restroom.

I always covered myself when I fed my child. I am built very petite and nothing was exposed. But if a woman-and it was always a woman- approached me and asked why my baby’s head was covered and I explained, the woman would get offended. It didn’t matter that she didn’t know that I had been feeding my infant until she asked. Just the thought of my doing so upset her.
And that’s the difference.

Some women feel the need to make a big commotion about it and look around with a big smile on their face to see who notices.
Big smile on her face and lots of commotion to see who notices? That is LOL funny. Every single woman I know hopes NOBODY notices.

And how do you know she’s wanting everyone to notice… are you a mind reader?? Or is part of her “commotion” her saying loudy, so everyone can hear: LOOK AT ME… BREASTFEEDING GOING ON HERE…

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