Malia, the first part of my post was an attempt to answer your query about why an otherwise able woman might not breastfeed. “Able” wasn’t defined in your post and I took it in the strictest sense of physically able and so gave the example of women I’ve known who were able to breastfeed but chose not to for logistical reasons.The remainder of my post was directed at women who are self righteous bf advocates without considering other women’s circumstances. That was** not** directed towards you, at all.
The decision to bf can also have selfish motives. I loved the closeness I had with my babies, I loved they were dependent on me for nourishment, I loved how they bonded to me so closely. I also loved the feeling that I was doing all I could for my baby. This is all a huge emotional boon. With my second and third babies I also loved the excuse to actually sit down and put my feet up and relax on a regular basis. Many women breast feed exclusively for a very long time in order to postpone the period of infertility so they don’t have the inconvenience of periods and don’t have to worry about another pregnancy.
I think a woman’s motivations can be selfish either way, in the sense that they choose to feed their baby in a way that serves them as well. Given that the formulas are very good and mother and baby can bond with bottle feeding and it is unclear how much healthier bf babies are – if it’s ok for me to choose bf for convenience and bonding and emotional satisfaction and fertility prevention, why is another woman selfish for choosing bottle feeding because it’s more convenient for her or because its painful for her or whatever?
I’m not at all convinced this is true. Like I said, I breastfed all of mine, but most of my friends didn’t and my kids are no healthier than theirs, and I see no difference in bonding between me and my kids and them and their kids. My pediatrician encourages bf but when pressed, admits that the evidence of long term health benefits is nebulous. The most tangible benefit appears to be the immediate immunities passed during the initial post natal period.Because children not breastfed aren’t as healthy
The decision to bf can also have selfish motives. I loved the closeness I had with my babies, I loved they were dependent on me for nourishment, I loved how they bonded to me so closely. I also loved the feeling that I was doing all I could for my baby. This is all a huge emotional boon. With my second and third babies I also loved the excuse to actually sit down and put my feet up and relax on a regular basis. Many women breast feed exclusively for a very long time in order to postpone the period of infertility so they don’t have the inconvenience of periods and don’t have to worry about another pregnancy.
I think a woman’s motivations can be selfish either way, in the sense that they choose to feed their baby in a way that serves them as well. Given that the formulas are very good and mother and baby can bond with bottle feeding and it is unclear how much healthier bf babies are – if it’s ok for me to choose bf for convenience and bonding and emotional satisfaction and fertility prevention, why is another woman selfish for choosing bottle feeding because it’s more convenient for her or because its painful for her or whatever?