Can we only give money to the beggars we see? Instead of throwing a few stray coins or dollars at them–is it possible to consider offering them a meal or can you carry a sack lunch in your car to pass out to them? Can you also give them a card with information on where they could seek help or assistance? Can you get them to a shelter? We are not limited to money in what we give or do to help the poor. Receiving advice from your priest–similar to what you would receive from many who work with the homeless regarding handing them money–doesn’t seem like something to get that upset about. Is saying it may be best not to give them money showing a bias against the homeless–or is it suggesting that it may not be the best way to help the homeless? I mean does your priest get up there and tell you not to feed and clothe the homeless? Does he tell you not to help out at shelters for them? Does he tell you not to help them in anyway? That is certainly not the spirit I see among the priests I know and it’s not what I hear from the Church.This is not the only time Father has shown bias against the homeless. And no, I don’t think that what he said was right. It’s his opinion, but many will take it as Church doctrine that we are not to give money to the poor. Trust me, we have put up with a lot of negativity from this particular priest. We love him and pray for him, but he seems to have a very worldly spirit.
Edit: I certainly don’t mean to “disrespect” the priest, but it’s ,ore that I have seen this from many, many priests in this day and age, as though the spirit of Mammon and the Masonic mindset of greed and anti-Christianity is pervading deep into the Church. I’m more frustrated at the state of the Church as a whole, than at my particular parish Priest.
Each situation will call for a prudential judgement on our part regarding what is best. The guy with the honest sign saying he needs a drink will not get money from me but he will be offered a sack lunch to eat. Perhaps that will just free up money he gets for booze but I think that’s where the money would go at the expense of food anyway. If I give money–others are right maybe it’s not up to me to say how it is spent–but I don’t want to be responsible for someones heroin overdose–when possibly with a little more time and thought–I could have offered alternative help rather than throwing a few dollars their way. I want to help not hurt–and there are times when giving money will hurt rather than help–we need to be aware of that.
The peace of Christ,