But the wait is killing us!

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Hi Rach!

Praise God for you (and your bf’s) openness to His will! I adore your spiritual convinctions. It’s a very blessed, uplifting reminder to me to follow Him at all times!

Just a bit of my own experience: I was the one in the relationship that was “pushy” (KWIM??!?) about getting married. Little did I know that my bf (now husband) was already looking for an engagement ring! Well, he proposed in Aug. of '02, and we got married in June '03. That made for an 11-month engagement. Our first son came along in July '04 🙂 We are strict followers of the church, and use NFP. It worked for us, in so long as God let it! 🙂 (We’re now pregnant with baby #2, due any day now!)

It seems like you’re not worried at all about being in school and having a baby. I was in a Master’s program while pregnant, and nursing, so you are right – it is tough, but all is possible with God!

I’m not sure if I could answer your questions about this whole timing issue and marriage. I know how the wait could kill you (I couldn’t stand it!!!). It’s a great idea to talk to your priest (or several priests) to get their opinion. I’m sure they’ll give you some sound advice. It seems like you’re well prepared to go either way. Keep praying … He will answer you! 👍

Blessings to you! 😃
This thread has been extremely helpful. My girlfriend Aimee (21) and I (22) are pretty much in the exact same boat, except I’m graduating in May (still debating graduate school) and she in another 1.5 - 2 years . . . we’ve read tons of stuff, devoted as much time as we can to prayer, talked to family, married friends, and relatives about timing, done all the financial, relational, experiential research that you guys have also done, and are still doing all of that stuff, hahah.

She loves me so incredibly much, I know it . . . and I her. She wants to get married a.s.a.p. and is pretty much ready whenever I propose, but I’m still praying about timing and don’t have the peace that I desire yet. I know it’s a choice I also have to make and that God sometimes lets us choose things (difficult either way, with abstinence/self-control/not being together of single status, or responsibility/time constraints/difficulty of married status), but I also know that time and time again, He says in the Bible that those who cry aloud for wisdom will receive it abundantly, those who seek Him find Him, that He’s our counselor, that He directs our steps as we commit our ways to Him . . . I guess I’m just having a hard time hearing, or perhaps He’s delaying, or perhaps He’s already given the “yes!”

My thoughts have been clouded by worries, concerns, confusion, fears, and uncertainty . . . attacks from the enemy, and weaknesses in my flesh, for sure. I am continually reminded, however, that we have been given new hearts, a new nature, and refined minds that are subject to the direction, control, covering, and grace of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ. Perfect love drives out all fear. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Seek first His kingdom and all other things will be given. He is faithful always. He’ll never leave us or forsake us. What more can I ask for?

So, in the meantime, I’m taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. No more being ruled by overwhelming thoughts that aren’t from God. Patience, peace, selflessness, and surrender will reign.

That is all, know that I’m in the exact same boat and praying for you guys as well.

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