A fact printed earlier in the discussion (I believe on this forum or possibly in an official defense of the church)
As far as I can tell, you’re the only one in this thread assigning hard numbers like 18%, 88%, or 82%.
The highest figure I can manage to find is
this LifeSite News article. It mentions a study from 2004 that estimated that 81% of abuse victims were male and that 78% of those males were post-pubescent, which would put the total percentage around 63%, only one percentage point higher than LifeSite’s calculations on the PA grand jury report. That still leaves almost 40% of victims as pre-pubescent and/or female.
Furthermore, the article itself is both weird and imprecise. They seem to treat the whole of adolescence, whether male or female, as pederasty, which in general specifically references an adult male and pubescent or adolescent male. Women aren’t included, but the use the term regardless. They also are not making distinctions between hebephilia, targeting the 11-14 age range, and ephebophilia, targeting the 15-19 range, both of which are covered under pederasty when the adult is male and the younger person is male. As a result, I’m willing to bet that the actual percentage of adolescent males is even lower than 62%.
So even accounting for LifeSite News’ numbers, which I’d consider to be a very friendly source for what you’re claiming, it still appears even more that this is a matter of abuse of power and enablement of that abuse, not homosexuality.
The admission of men with pronounced homosexual tendencies to seminaries, yes
So you, at best, get rid of 63% of the problem, and that’s assume that all of these men would be open about their struggle with SSA. That is still, at minimum, 47% of cases that are going completely unaddressed by the move. That’s not addressing the problem. That’s going after an easy scapegoat.