I completely agree that is wasn’t loving what he wrote.
I guess he’s just practicing Christianity in the way he thinks it to be and taking things more “literal” interpretation instead of understanding that no one can read souls except God.
On a “human interaction level” I do think what he stated was wrong/misguided but my concern is more about freedom of religious expression (even if the person is wrong or misguided etc).
I think people should have freedom to state how they believe like for example if a Muslim player stated he didn’t believe men should shake hands with women or hug them,while I don’t agree,and think it’s misguided and potentially damaging,I think he should be entitled to openly state it without repercussions.
As long as a person is not directly threatening or insulting someone.Its different if he said “gay people are disgusting” or worse or made a direct threat to someone who was gay.
Just quoting this bible verse (even if too literally) is unloving but I don’t think should qualify for legal discrimination-whether financially through unemployment or otherwise and it’s a bit sad that society has become this way.
I think the distinction needs to be made between opinion (even unpopular opinion) vs insult because if people can face repurcussions just for anything that offends someone through expressing unpopular opinions (but not direct insults) then doesn’t it becomes a politically correct society which doesn’t accept a diversity of opinions?
Being a Christian, practicing one’s Faith is not telling people they will go to hell, it is sharing the love and mercy of Christ.
At the same time,even if Christians phrased it about Jesus’ love and mercy and stated that living gay relationships was just one sin amongst many others and no greater etc wouldn’t it still be the case that the majority would still perceive this as bigoted and homophobia because they perceive the Christians are seeing gay relationships in a negative and non accepting way?