Ok, so you think that Christains should be able to say whatever without any repercussions or anyone disagreeing openly with it. But it’s fine for a Christian to openly disagree with others and make statements that feel threatening to others?
Is that the impression I gave??
No,I think that anyone -Christian,Muslim,Hindu,Agnostic etc should be able to state their views,express their religious beliefs or lack of (rightly or wrongly) and that people
should be free to disagree with it openly.
In my view that’s what makes a good diverse society.
What I don’t agree with though is repurcussions for an opinion (even if unpopular or misguided one).
If there are repurcussions for unpopular views then it becomes an unbalanced politically correct society.
I feel that regardless of whether it’s a society like Australia that is “secular”,or Russia or Iran etc.
The line has to be drawn though somewhere and that is if someone makes direct threats to another or personal insults.
It is the difference between someone reposting a direct bible quote about hell vs saying “all gays are ****** and I hope they all burn in hell”.
The first is matter of fact (even if misguided),the second is an insult.
I would still support the same freedom of speech if the footy player that posted this was Muslim faith instead of Christian.
I don’t think a person should be sacked but absolutely I think people should openly disagree if that’s what they feel.
His Instagram post currently is actually filled with other posters disagreeing back and forth about it.
Sadly some of the comments are not kind/charitable (both from Christians and to the Christians).
I’m really sorry that happened to your daughter.Thats pretty awful.Ive never heard anything like that here but I can imagine it happens elsewhere.
It’s not as if girl scouting is a first communion event or something so I can’t imagine any justification/sense that she had to exclude her.