Life IS complicated isn’t it.Thank you Patrick for your two responses. They were very helpful and thought provoking. I guess where I struggle a bit is anytime there is a situation where something “is essential” only to find that there are loopholes and it really isn’t essential. In this case the Catholic Church “is essential” for salvation, but not really because one can be saved without it. Practicing Catholics may be in a better position for eternal life due to the special graces offered by the Church (assuming they are taken advantage of), but non-Catholics, even non-Christians may get into heaven without being a part of the Church (assuming “invincible ignorance”). It really is all about dying in a state of grace. That is the key. And then let God sort it out.
Can non-Catholics or non-Christians die in a state of grace and thus enter heaven? Yes. Can Catholics die without being in a state of grace and be rejected from heaven? Yes. Therefore, the Catholic Church is not essential (from a salvation standpoint). There is a difference between “giving the best chance” and “essential”. The bottom line for me is that if you aren’t a Catholic you are, in theory, at greater risk of not entering heaven. But, that is assuming that you, as a Catholic, follow all of the Church’s teachings and take advantage of the graces offered. I haven’t spoken to a single non-Catholic that has told me, “I know the Catholic Church is the church Jesus founded, but I can’t become a member because of…” Rather, every non-Catholic that I’ve spoken with will say, “the reason that the Catholic Church is not the church Jesus founded is because…” Therefore, in my experience they are all “invincibly ignorant” and thus they all have the potential of being saved without believing in the Catholic Church. Thus, the Catholic Church is not essential for salvation.
Where am I going wrong?
THANKS for a very thought provoking post reply.
It’s not quite as cut and dried as I understand you to make it.
What you seem to be missing is this:
God is in charge even when we may prefer Him NOT to be
God will, because God MUST pass final Judgment upon each soul; NOT based on one’s personal preferences & choices. NO, God will, because GOD MUST make this Judgment call based on what HE HAS MADE POSSIBLE for each soul to know, accept, and live.
Hence there may be MANY non-Catholics on this CAF site that will be judged based on what GOD has made possible for them to know; although that too is a process between them and the Holy Spirit; and NOT something We are able to pass judgment on.
Isaiah 43: verses 7 & 21 point out that “life is a GOD Test”… We ought not assume that GOD views all faiths as equal; quite the opposite is nearer the TRUTH.
Catholics HAVE an “in-side” track, on our personal salvation NOT only because of the Sacraments; but even more so because the RCC is the ONE and ONLY True Church & faith, founded, desired and protected by God… minimalism of this FACT is very dangerous to anyone’s salvation.
It is the high risk of denying what GOD does make possible due to sloth, ignorance, pride, family association, or any other reason that poses a GRAVE risk to those outside of the RCC.
In the final judgment GOD has to be both fair and just. Amen
AMEN! to your final commentP.S. My line of thinking doesn’t impact my being a devout Catholic. I don’t want you to think I was straying from the faith based on my post here. Again, I’m a Catholic primarily because Jesus founded it and that’s good enough for me.
Continued Blessings