I haven’t forgotten your request, To honor your request, however, would deviate from the original theme of this thread. I briefly explained how I think the Big Bang Theory relates to God’s existence on some posts I sent to other threads. I am seriously thinking about starting another thread that would concentrate on a discussion of science and religion, but I have to weigh the time spent on such a venture against time spent with my family. I will include here, a short synopsis of my thesis:
The Big Bang Theory establishes a beginning for the universe and hence the existence of a Creator. The BB also strongly demonstrates that the universe is finite. A finite universe must have a border. Since it is space that determines the dimensionality of the universe, the boundary must be spatial. This implies that universal space is discrete and what came before and lies beyond the universe has the mathematical nature of continuous space. I refer to the space of the before/beyond as “infinite nothingness”.
Discrete space has gaps. The gaps are filled with infinite nothingness. This defines the basis for a physical structure that has a dual nature: discrete space = material; infinite nothingness = spiritual. Only the discrete points are involved in creating objective reality, but the rules by which the discrete points are organized is govern by pure information that exists in the infinite nothingness. Try to imagine a universal and static matrix of a great number of discrete points imbedded in an infinite expanse of nothingness (a dark nighttime sky is a good analog).
I’ve cut a paragraph of yours so that I could get in my 2cents worth and remain within post limits. Your full post appears above, of course. --greylorn
You are right that your post will come across as hooey to most thread participants. I’m on the verge, but since I’ve written thousands of pages of “hooey,” I appreciate anyone willing to consider ideas outside of the norm and who has the courage to express them, even under an internet pseudo-identity. Guess what your next step is.
I did not peruse your entire post because of the error in your first statement, " The Big Bang Theory establishes a beginning for the universe and hence the existence of a Creator." There is no apparent connection between the primary clause in this sentence and its conclusion.
There is certainly a connection in your mind, but when putting your thoughts out to others, it is best to express the ideas behind your connection. Readers are not mind-readers.
I did review your post, which sounds like ideas taken from “Our Undiscovered Universe” If you also got sucked into paying $70 for this book, you can experience your loss by drilling a quarter-inch hole through it, threading a rope, and using the book as a rowboat anchor.
“Gaps in space,” has potential, but not if the best you can do is present it as an unsubstantiated assertion. (On your own thread, please.) You’ve taken a course or two in quantum mechanics, yes?
You will find that it is easy to have ideas. Doing so is the inherent property of soul. Ideas are just a step removed from opinions, which, like dorsal orifices, we all have. What is difficult is the translation of ideas into concepts which others (never everyone) can understand. That is very difficult, as you will learn if you have the courage to continue.
Your synopsis doesn’t make sense to me, but that does not make your ideas incorrect. It could be a reflection of my personal ignorance, or an incomplete presentation on your part. Be prepared for the possibility that your ideas are not yet ready for primetime.
I appreciate that you’ve written 125 pages about your ideas. That is a good start. I began while you were in your previous lifetime, with a prospective book cranked out on a typewriter built in 1927, 107 pages. I submitted it to publishers and have the rejection slips to prove it.
Since then I’ve written 70,000 pages describing my brilliant insights into the nature and purpose of the universe, subsequently discarding 99%l of the words and most of my ideas. Of the words, about 200 pages were actually published. 20 can be found on the internet, and some fewer appear in films.
Inventing ideas about the origin and purpose of the universe is a worthy challenge, but given your hastily composed synopsis of ideas, don’t expect a whole lot of admiration from someone who’s been there and done that.
Continue your efforts to understand the universe, but get your first sentences right. Initiate a science vs. religion thread when you are qualified to do so, The prerequisites are clear. The first is that, as a father and husband, you understand the minds of your children and teach them what they need to learn, not what you have been taught. The second is that you cherish your wife. If she is ever alone in bed while you are expressing your opinions on the internet, one of you is in the wrong place.
As a model for the expression of complex ideas, I recommend Michael Behe, also a Roman Catholic.
Since we are both well off-thread here, replies are best directed to PM.