To the OP:
I can’t be a conservative when a Catholic Republican makes fun of my heritage. A certain Catholic Republican politician (I won’t mention names) made fun of my heritage and said Spanish is a ghetto language and who thinks child labor (we are talking about 9 nine year olds not adults) is a great way to solve poverty in this country. Another Catholic Republican is “pro life” and considers himself to be Catholic yet wants to cut $40 million in food stamps. Keep in mind however that a lot of people who benefit from food stamps are not able bodied adults rather they are children.
Look, name the politicians.
John Kerry is a Democrat as with Nancy Pelosi. I think they’re hypocritical and a fine example of culture Catholics - wearing the cross when they want to or when they feel like it. I’m not a (D) not because they’re hypocritical about their faith. Any politician from either party does not determine if I’m a (D) or an (R). It goes much deeper than that.
I feel some Republicans are not in touch with the poor or with minorities. I feel like I just have to vote Democratic to promote social justice.
Some? All? Many? Majority?
What do you mean by social justice? Expansion of welfare state? Apologies for racism? Safe spaces? Automatic citizenship for illegal aliens?
Yes I know Republicans are “pro life” and Democrats are “pro choice” but can we really call Republicans “pro life”? Is sending people to war “pro life”? Is not caring about the environment “pro life”? Is not making sure those who are without food or shelter have what they need “pro life”? “Pro life” to me is more than just being anti abortion.
You’re using talking points.
War happens. It should the last resort, but it happens. You can debate whether or not the Iraq War was constitutional and whether or not it was a justified war. FDR was a (D) and he sent young men to fight in WWII.
Not all Republicans support banning federal funding for abortions, but more do than Democrats.
As for the environment, again, what do you exactly mean? Not supporting the narrative that global warming will kills us all? Fracking dangerous? Are you
seriously bringing pro-life into the environment?
If we cancel out the expansion of the welfare state, what has the Democrats done to help the poor in terms of food and shelter? I’d even argue that the expansion of the welfare state hurts the poor.
What is the point of being anti abortion if you are not providing for those who are in need? We know that many of these people who decide to get abortions don’t feel they can become good parents or don’t want to be parents at all. So if we want to prevent abortion why do these people not want to provide services for these children?
You serious drank the “Republicans have done nothing for the maligned” kool-aid. I gotta tell ya, MSM aka NYT, WashPo, Vox, HuffPo is quite the drug.
Again, what do you exactly mean by “who are in need”? I’m not sure what you want from the Republicans, but your list is just exhausting to read. Do you want Republicans to set up psychological clinics for those that get abortions and support groups that help those who might get an abortion?
We Catholics are supposed to be against abortion but we are also supposed to be for the poor and the vulnerable and yeah fetuses are the most vulnerable but we should help the poor and vulnerable here already.
Not all Republicans are Catholic. Not all Republicans believe in God. Not all Republicans have the same way to go about helping the needy.
How can we help the most vulnerable of the population who are unborn if we can’t help those who already born. It is like me saying I want to go to Ghana and help the poor if I don’t even want to help my own family here in my house.
I am sorry if I offend any good Republicans here though.
Well, you just proved that you want a lot of things done to please your mind, so yea.