Because the poster’s profile says they’re a “Sacred Virgin and canon lawyer.” So they would seem to be boasting a bit here assuming it’s true.
Boasting? No, it is like a priest coming on and saying that the priesthood is part of the hierarchy. It simply is a fact.
Assuming it is true? Yes, I assume it is true because I base my assumption on what the Church has consistently taught. First, the Fathers of the Church were unanimous on this subject. Read St. Augustine on Virginity and he will give a great explanation as to why we honor virginity and he contrasts this to marriage. Augustine had to navigate tricky waters because he needed to acknowledge against some heretics that marriage is good, not bad. This he did. He also had to go against other heretics who thought that virginity was equal to or less than marriage. This he also disproved.
Next you have many statements of Popes to the effect that marriage is good, virginity is better. Of course, one must understand that “virginity” here means “virginity for the sake of the Kingdom”. Not something that is reducible to a physical state. Christian virginity requires the absence of consented venereal pleasure and dedication to God “for the sake of the Kingdom”.
So, let’s look at a couple of things. This is a quote from Pope Pius XII in Sacra Virginitas:
- This doctrine of the excellence of virginity and of celibacy and of their superiority over the married state was, as We have already said, revealed by our Divine Redeemer and by the Apostle of the Gentiles; so too, it was solemnly defined as a dogma of divine faith by the holy council of Trent,[57] and explained in the same way by all the holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Finally, We and Our Predecessors have often expounded it and earnestly advocated it whenever occasion offered. But recent attacks on this traditional doctrine of the Church, the danger they constitute, and the harm they do to the souls of the faithful lead Us, in fulfillment of the duties of Our charge, to take up the matter once again in this Encyclical Letter, and to reprove these errors which are so often propounded under a specious appearance of truth.
Note that Pope Pius XII states it is dogma that virginity for the sake of the kingdom is higher than marriage. That was part of the whole point of his encyclical, to go over once more why the Church teaches what she has always taught.
John Paul II repeated the fact that virginity for the sake of the Kingdom is superior to that of marriage. Marriage is good. Virginity is better. This does not denigrate marriage, it acknowledges marriage to be a very good thing.