Can I go to my cousin's gay wedding?

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Because every situation, with it’s own set of circumstances is different, it is best to discuss this with a priest whom you trust. This is an issue of grave matter and you will most likely not find consensus here, anyway, leading to either further confusion or support for just doing whatever you wanted in the first place, which is not the same as “the right thing”. Best of luck to you!
I have a third cousin (devout Catholic) whose daughter married in a civil ceremony. I think the groom had been previously married. My cousin was torn about going to the wedding and talked it over with her priest. She already was leaning on not attending her daughters wedding and said her priest agreed.
She missed her own daughters wedding, which I think is terrible.
Her daughter has since divorced this guy.
What about your thoughts on that though.?
There are a lot of situations in life where we knowingly support gays in a way,that’s why I listed those examples.
it’s God’s job to pass judgment.
I say choose the love angle when trying to figure out resolving an issue.
Maybe go and spend the ceremony in private thought, praying for them.
It’s one thing to celebrate an illicit union and another to render them a service.
Go, I’m sure you’d likely attend say a Hindi, Buddhist, Jewish, or whatever religion or lack of religion even though none are a valid Catholic wedding. There was a time not too long ago that Catholics never went to non-Church sanction weddings.
Humans judge too much , we need to love more.
This man clearly wrote on his post that he loves his cousin and wants to show his love by attending …I’m sure the cousin already knows he’s Catholic and not in agreement with his lifestyle .
I love someone in my life, my brother, he has been living with is gf for 20 yrs, they have a child . I chose not to pass judgment and leave that to God. I show him love and respect every time I see him because my motivation is Love and kindness.
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Have a good evening …we probably have more in common then we don’t,
Your “love angle” is false. One does not love someone by going along with their sin. If we truly loved the sinner we would tell them why we can’t support their actions and not celebrate their sin with them.
Uh… ok? Way to make a general statement and completely disregard what is actually written.

In this context it is absolutely a false idea of love to attend one’s “gay wedding” rather than actually showing the person you love them by telling them why you’ll not be attending.
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I love many people in my life who have sinned and are still sinning . It doesn’t mean I’m going along with the sins if I love and respect them.
We all sin…we are still worthy of love and kindness .
So how is attending one’s false marriage to one of the same sex a sign of love? If one truly loved them they would boycott and not attend for the fact that they’re potentially sentencing themselves to hell for eternity over the matter; this is something that can never be celebrated. What part of this you don’t get I’m not sure.
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