If I may, you seem to go through phases, Rosie11. Reading through older threads, you felt God didn’t care about you because He didn’t answer a prayer the way you wanted or give you something you desired.
Then you decided you and God were on good footing and began going to Medjugorje. Now you want to become a nun.
Have you truly thought all of this through? You want to be a nun
now. But what happens when the next thing you desire comes along?
You really need to pray, search your soul and speak to your priest or spiritual director about this.
Also, consider that your health must be excellent. Unlike centuries past, most won’t accept you if your health isn’t good enough to withstand all the work and activity you’ll have.
You see, Rosie, I wanted to become a nun. I felt the Call when I was very young. Made it through most of the process. My physical health tho, wasn’t up to it. I was heartbroken, shattered to the core of my being.
Then a dear friend, God bless her, suggested I become an Oblate and recommended this website.
Page 2. What is a Benedictine Oblate? Of course, you’ll want to read all the pages. But this one’s a start.
While it isn’t the direction I originally intended at that very young age for my life, I felt a new sense of hope and of purpose. It meant I could still have a home and family if I wanted them. I could have a job if I wanted one. I would also still be able to have my beloved pets. And best of all, I would still be able to serve God and in ways I never imagined.
As for pets, then Pope Benedict XVI had at least 2 cats.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: