
Beautiful. And the serpent showed a mirror to Eve. Or taught her how to imagine a mirror?His mirror?![]()
Beautiful. And the serpent showed a mirror to Eve. Or taught her how to imagine a mirror?His mirror?![]()
391 Behind the disobedient choice of our first parents lurks a seductive voice, opposed to God, which makes them fall into death out of envy.266 Scripture and the Churchâs Tradition see in this being a fallen angel, called âSatanâ or the âdevilâ.267 The Church teaches that Satan was at first a good angel, made by God: "The devil and the other demons were indeed created naturally good by God, but they became evil by their own doing."268
392 Scripture speaks of a sin of these angels.269 This âfallâ consists in the free choice of these created spirits, who radically and irrevocably rejected God and his reign. We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempterâs words to our first parents: "You will be like God."270 The devil âhas sinned from the beginningâ; he is âa liar and the father of liesâ.271
Seems simple enough to me.**393 It is the irrevocable character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angelsâ sin unforgivable. "There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death."272 **
Thank you, Ken. That seems like the answer we needed.Lucifer cannot ask for forgiveness because his will is fixed in his pride. God will not force him to change because love requires a free response; God will not force anyone to love Him. The only way Lucifer could ask for forgiveness would be if our Lord changed Luciferâs will. But our Lord respects everyoneâs free will to choose. And Lucifer will never change his decision; he doesnât want to. In the vision, it seems that our Lord is making a point that God doesnât will damnation on anyone; they chose it freely and once that choice is fixed, they will not change it.
The book I quoted is an excellent resource. It puts things in very simple terms and doesnât go too deep or too quickly. Obviously a discussion on this topic can go VERY deep and long.
God bless,
Origen at times was simply brilliant he took a lot chances theologically and and more often than not was right. He interpretation of scripture is orthodox and simply outstanding until Augustine he was the giant thinker of the church. However when he got away from scipture interpretation and into theological supostions he got into trouble but considiering he was in teh the 200âs the barriers of orthdoxy were wide and not set as they were later to be. That being said he was Orthodox in his time and died in good standing with the church he was not a rebelious memeber of the church such as Tertullians, Arius or Luther. He simply overstepped Orthodoxy before Orthodoxy was defined.The Catholic Encyclopedia at: NewAdvent
asks: âWere Origen and Origenism anathematized? Many learned writers believe so; an equal number deny that they were condemned; most modern authorities are either undecided or reply with reservations. Relying on the most recent studies on the question it may be held that: âŚâ
7 questionable aspects of the anathemizing follow this point. You can access the link to read them.
Origen wrote about topics long before the Church had declared a position to be held. Hundreds of years later, after the Church had addressed those topics, a few of Origenâs teachings were then declared to be heretical.
He was definitely an interesting guy.
Peace in ChristâŚSalmon
Good Point if someone is saved by faith alone that would be Satan no one has more faith in Christ and knows who Christ is more than Satan. As James says even the Demons believe. Intellectual assent to who Christ is is not enough.The Catholic Church teaches that God is a forgiving God.
Protestants are saved by faith alone.
Can lucifer be saved? Why not?
A prisoner of Christ,
Even Godâs mercy could not find any excuse for Luciferâs sin. The devil knew perfectly well what he was doing, and what he was rejecting. With him there was no such thing as âtemptationâ, or ignorance, unlike Adam or Eve when they had sinned in paradise. The devilâs sin was thoroughly deliberate, and their wills are thus fixed permanently in their rebellion.The Catholic Church teaches that God is a forgiving God.
Protestants are saved by faith alone.
Can lucifer be saved? Why not?
A prisoner of Christ,
Who knowsâŚShould we pray for Satan? Would that be a truly senseless and laughable effort from Satanâs point of view?
I think you have summed this up for all of us. When in doubt, check the CCC. ThanksI cannot read all the posts but I am sure someone else has brought this up, from the CCC:
393 It is the *irrevocable *character of their choice, and not a defect in the infinite divine mercy, that makes the angelsâ sin unforgivable. "There is no repentance for the angels after their fall, just as there is no repentance for men after death."272
The Bible also says peopleâs hearts can become hardened so they can never be saved/believe in Jesus ChHrist as their Savior. So I have always assumed thatâs analogous to what happened to Satan.The Catholic Church teaches that God is a forgiving God.
Protestants are saved by faith alone.
Can lucifer be saved? Why not?
I thought Lucifer mean morning light, light or star, that was my understanding, In revelation, thre dragon swept 1/3 of the stars out of the sky (angels) this is the great schism in heaven, if you will the rebellion, so if the stars are angels Lucifer was the highest angel.Sure Iâll jump on this.
Lucifer or âLight-bearerâ is the name of the leader of the angels who rebeled against God. (I mention this so that the meaning of the quoted scriptural passage can be seen to clearly apply to Lucifer/Satan/The Devil.)
After being tempted by a devil during his 40 days of fast, Christ commands âDepart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.â Matt XXV, v41.
Now the âeverlasting fireâ reffered to is of course Hell. And the adjective âeverlastingâ used here clearly indicates the duration of their stay there. Therefore, noone who goes to Hell has any hope of salvation from there.
Now angels are purely spiritual beings. They have not the impediments to intellect that man has, thus there guilt is immeasurably greater than mans. Therefore God showed mercy to men when they sinned, though he spared not the angels when they sinned:
Gen II âTHey rebelled against God - Lucifer, their leader, saying: âWe shall be like unto the Most High; we will place our throne above the stars.â Then there was a great strife in heaven. Micheal and the otherangels who remained faithful to God, fought against the bad and rebellious spirits, whose chief is now called Satan, or the devil. The bad angels were conquered, and cast from heaven down to hell.â
Christ came specifically to redeem man, not the angels, who had no need, nor devils (fallen angels) who had already been judged and condemned to hell, but only for man. âFor God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son . . .â Man needed redemption. God became man to redeem Man, not to redeem spiritual beings. Jesus died on the cross that Man might live, not that devils would be restored to life.
Finally, it would be pointless to pray for one in Hell, and since we know Satan is in Hell, we know we cannot help him by our prayers. But our prayers for someone who is deceased will be applied by God in a manner befitting the prayers. Thus you may pray for any deceased human, and though they might be in Hell, your prayers will not be wasted.
I thought Lucifer mean morning light, light or star, that was my understanding, In revelation, thre dragon swept 1/3 of the stars out of the sky (angels) this is the great schism in heaven, if you will the rebellion, so if the stars are angels Lucifer was the highest angel. :banghead:Sure Iâll jump on this.
Lucifer or âLight-bearerâ is the name of the leader of the angels who rebeled against God. (I mention this so that the meaning of the quoted scriptural passage can be seen to clearly apply to Lucifer/Satan/The Devil.)
After being tempted by a devil during his 40 days of fast, Christ commands âDepart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels.â Matt XXV, v41.
Now the âeverlasting fireâ reffered to is of course Hell. And the adjective âeverlastingâ used here clearly indicates the duration of their stay there. Therefore, noone who goes to Hell has any hope of salvation from there.
Now angels are purely spiritual beings. They have not the impediments to intellect that man has, thus there guilt is immeasurably greater than mans. Therefore God showed mercy to men when they sinned, though he spared not the angels when they sinned:
Gen II âTHey rebelled against God - Lucifer, their leader, saying: âWe shall be like unto the Most High; we will place our throne above the stars.â Then there was a great strife in heaven. Micheal and the otherangels who remained faithful to God, fought against the bad and rebellious spirits, whose chief is now called Satan, or the devil. The bad angels were conquered, and cast from heaven down to hell.â
Christ came specifically to redeem man, not the angels, who had no need, nor devils (fallen angels) who had already been judged and condemned to hell, but only for man. âFor God so loved the world, that He sent His only Son . . .â Man needed redemption. God became man to redeem Man, not to redeem spiritual beings. Jesus died on the cross that Man might live, not that devils would be restored to life.
Finally, it would be pointless to pray for one in Hell, and since we know Satan is in Hell, we know we cannot help him by our prayers. But our prayers for someone who is deceased will be applied by God in a manner befitting the prayers. Thus you may pray for any deceased human, and though they might be in Hell, your prayers will not be wasted.
Absolutlely, i believe what the Bible teaches. I eblieve that St. Michael will chain Satan up for all eternity!!!If you believe the bible, the bible states clearly that the devil and his demons will someday be placed in the eternal lake of fire where they will be tormented forever and ever.Revelation chapter 20. Do you believe what the bible says?