Can one be a good and faithful Catholic and contracept?

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Actually, I think most priest aren’t educated in NFP. Natural Family Planning should be taught in seminarys or at least priests should be required to learn this, so that they may explain the benefits and beauty of Natural Family Planning. Artificial birth control is always wrong, and yes, it does need to be taught from the pulpit!! 👍
I’d agree, particularly in response to several comments regarding why local churches and priests don’t teach nfp. Some may believe it’s ineffective just like many of their parishioners; but then again, like many of their parishioners, they’d be uninformed.

I know many young priests - “JP2” era priests, as I call them - who absolutely believe in the sanctity of marriage which wholeheartedly includes nfp for just reason. They believe it’s effective and share it with others through marriage prep courses, homilies, and personal conversations. Believe me, they are out there (several in my archdiocese and several from the abbey at Benedictine College). They are sharing the gospel of life and truth of God’s plan for marriage with many people.
Well, I sure don’t see anything wrong with contraception.

Although then again, I’m hardly what you’d call a catholic.

I mean, I believe in God and Jesus, but I’m not like a, no offense, ‘brain washed’ catholic like it seems some of you are.

I guess you got what you wanted though, I feel like I’ve left the church in spirit. I mean after all, how the hell do you know that the set of rules the pope or priests or anyone else lay down are absoultely correct?

In my heart I see no problem with contraception. I am not an immoral person (at least by my standards which are very reasonable to me).

I’m against abortion, I believe we all need to give MUCH more to poor people and help bring every country up to the standard of living that we enjoy in the U.S. before we advance ourselves further. I try very hard to make everyone around me happy, and I care a lot about people in need.

Isn’t that a lot more important? Instead of discussing stupid irrelevant things like that, shouldn’t the catholic church be more focused on bringing up standards of living all over the world to an acceptable level? Instead of discussing this we should be discussing how to help them or something.

Just my 2 cents, I think this and a lot of other teachings of the catholic church are stupid and groundless. I would be surprised if you can all honestly feel in your hearts that this is wrong, and not just because you think God says so. We have hearts, lets use them.
Let’s talk real life here though … I suspect that if we followed what you suggest, 95% of Catholics would have to leave the church and we would be left with a very small minority of terrific Catholics. But the majority of the 95% that left would still be followers of Christ and live what most would consider to be morally good lives … so what’s the point in booting them out?
Enter through the narrow gate.
I mean, I believe in God and Jesus, but I’m not like a, no offense, ‘brain washed’ catholic like it seems some of you are .
Umm there is no non-insulting way to use the term brain-washed as far as I know. You imply we have given up all reason and intellect in order to follow church teaching - which is utterly ridiculous.
I mean after all, how the hell do you know that the set of rules the pope or priests or anyone else lay down are absoultely correct?.
    1. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always,
  1. the Spirit of truth, which the world cannot accept, because it neither sees nor knows it. But you know it, because it remains with you, and will be in you.*
    John 14:16
In my heart I see no problem with contraception. I am not an immoral person (at least by my standards which are very reasonable to me).
13. "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many.
14. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.
Matt 7:13-14

Isn’t that a lot more important? Instead of discussing stupid irrelevant things like that, shouldn’t the catholic church be more focused on bringing up standards of living all over the world to an acceptable level? Instead of discussing this we should be discussing how to help them or something.
14. Now the natural person does not accept what pertains to the Spirit of God, for to him it is foolishness, and he cannot understand it, because it is judged spiritually.
1 Cor 2:14

Just my 2 cents, I think this and a lot of other teachings of the catholic church are stupid and groundless. I would be surprised if you can all honestly feel in your hearts that this is wrong, and not just because you think God says so. We have hearts, lets use them.
Suprise! You lack understanding of the reasons behind church teaching and in your ignorance you call things stupid and groundless because of you lack of understanding.

When you were a young child I’ll bet you thought it was stupid that you couldn’t have cookies before dinner, or that you had to go bed at 9 o’clock. You didn’t understand why, and so it was stupid.

Yes I honestly feel in my heart that contraception is absolutely positively wrong.
    1. But if I should be delayed, you should know how to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth.*
      1 Tim 3:15
8. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.
19. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Matt 16:18-19
Well, I sure don’t see anything wrong with contraception.

Although then again, I’m hardly what you’d call a catholic.

I mean, I believe in God and Jesus, but I’m not like a, no offense, ‘brain washed’ catholic like it seems some of you are.

I guess you got what you wanted though, I feel like I’ve left the church in spirit. I mean after all, how the hell do you know that the set of rules the pope or priests or anyone else lay down are absoultely correct?

In my heart I see no problem with contraception. I am not an immoral person (at least by my standards which are very reasonable to me).

I’m against abortion, I believe we all need to give MUCH more to poor people and help bring every country up to the standard of living that we enjoy in the U.S. before we advance ourselves further. I try very hard to make everyone around me happy, and I care a lot about people in need.

Isn’t that a lot more important? Instead of discussing stupid irrelevant things like that, shouldn’t the catholic church be more focused on bringing up standards of living all over the world to an acceptable level? Instead of discussing this we should be discussing how to help them or something.

Just my 2 cents, I think this and a lot of other teachings of the catholic church are stupid and groundless. I would be surprised if you can all honestly feel in your hearts that this is wrong, and not just because you think God says so. We have hearts, lets use them.
I am sorry to say, but can you not see that this type of moral reasoning is little more than moral relativism. Right and wrong are not invented by our consciences.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…or kick the first “unfaithful” catholic out the door…
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…or kick the first “unfaithful” catholic out the door…
Is speaking the truth now considered casting stones?
Bella3502 said:
I disagree, the Church is the right place to teach NFP. They don’t really support it if they don’t talk about it, teach it, or make it available for Catholic couples. Just once, I would like to see NFP classes listed in the Church bulletin or mentioned during service. A little goes a long way.

Sorry if my statement wasn’t to clear. When I said that the Church is not the place to teach NFP I meant that The Church(where we celebrate mass) is not the place for teaching classes of NFP. These classes should be thought somewhere else. It could be the choir room, a classroom or the parish house. And just because the church doesn’t teach NFP per se it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t support it. There are other apostolates out there that teach such classes. I’ve heard many priests and bishops speak for it, telling and broadcasting it over the radio that NFP is something that is not against the moral teachings of the the Church. Although hearing this from the pulpit would be nice I think we should not impose such burden on them. I think there are more important things that our pastors should be concerned about…like straightening out dissenting priest in their diocese, if there are any.
We should always avoid labels but a person who is FAITHFUL – MEANS THEY ARE LOYAL TO ALL THE TEACHING of the Church or NOT. There is NO middle ground.

If a person tries to play “in the middle” they would be knowen as a cafeteria Catholic as they pick and pluck their way to heaven - which is NOT possible.

The Catholic Church is NOT opposed to birth control when it involves self-control.

Remember to that chemcial birth control is REALLY ABORTION because contraception actually takes place the baby just can’t hang on and live in the hostile environment so it gets aborted.

You may want to read the book LIFE GIVING LOVE by Kimberly Hahn, wife of Scott Hahn. This whole issue is what caused her conversion into the Catholic Church as she was horrified to learn that ALL Protestant Churchs too has deemed artificial birth control as gravely sinful up until 1930 at the Church of England’s Lambeth Conference!

But the Catholic Church never wained against public pressure!

That’s because the ‘authority’ of the Church here on earth comes from the “author” - Jesus Christ himself.

So, by the answers to this posted question, am I to assume that many of you have very large families?
no…a Catholic can not be good and faithful if they contracept…with the amount of attention given to contraception in the world today I find it hard for a Catholic who is faithful not to know it’s wrong. They have to have some idea that it’s wrong and if they don’t know why it’s wrong they are obligated to find out why before they contracept. Once they find out why they can not contracept and and remain faithful. It goes completely against the teachings of the Church.
So, by the answers to this posted question, am I to assume that many of you have very large families?
That is actually one assumption people make which is false.

While it is true that in fact, in a Sacramental marriage Scott Hahn Phd says that God’s love is so powerful "that you may have to give it a name in 9 months! – God’s plan is the plan -= period – large or small families.

As for myself I have no children at all - I am not married.

no…a Catholic can not be good and faithful if they contracept…with the amount of attention given to contraception in the world today I find it hard for a Catholic who is faithful not to know it’s wrong. They have to have some idea that it’s wrong and if they don’t know why it’s wrong they are obligated to find out why before they contracept. Once they find out why they can not contracept and and remain faithful. It goes completely against the teachings of the Church.
True, but how many cultural/menu Catholics are earnestly asking, seeking, knocking to know the whats and whys of contraception, lest it infringe upon their personal pleasure/preference principle?

“And I tell you, Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)

It seems that the more educated, sophisticated, and affluent that we become, the more our personal wants and desires compete with the demands of discipleship. To take serious and live Catholic teaching these days requires a personal, conscious, and concerted effort.

“For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who** **find ****it are few.” (Matthew 7: 14)

"Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13: 24)
I loved Kimberly Hahn’s Book!!!
I have a friend who barrowed it and was also very encouraged. I am so grateful that we have the Church and can protect ourselves from being brain tainted by our culture!
I think that each individual family, hopefully they can honestly call themselves a family, need to look at why they contracept in the light of what they know is true from the Holy Spirit, and if they are open to it, the Churches teachings. I know of some non- Catholic couples that by God’s Grace and the support of their local church do not us contraception. There are good and faithful Christians out there who are not Catholic. They also seek out people who know NFP for Moral support 👍
We who are Catholic have no excuse! We have the resources but sadly we expect to be spoon feed. General Education has been too watered down and that practice has overflowed into our spiritual education. I am looking forward to being challenged to grow spiritually everyday and not be left stagnant.
I am so saddened that few of us can really face ourselves and the false reasoning that we have and turn to God for help. I just joined the Church and I was afraid to joint at first because I though I would be overwhelmed by how much would learn I had already been sinning without knowing it. The amazing thing is that God has been and still is showing me my sins in a way that He knows I can handle. I yes sometimes I still am overwhelmed. So I go to Confession :o 👍 And have the opportunity to take to someone, in the person of Christ, face to face, if I want, who I know has given themselves over to God.

Contraception is just one of the practices facing our Culture that prevents us from having “a better world.” That is why it is such an important issue to talk about. I just pray that we will learn how to talk about it more Charitably here:gopray2:
So, by the answers to this posted question, am I to assume that many of you have very large families?
That is the assumption that makes people think they should contracept.

Our hope is that the God who joined us knows what we can handle. And if we are not blessed with this faith, since faith is a gift and should no be always expected, we have a recourse which is NFP.
So, by the answers to this posted question, am I to assume that many of you have very large families?
I am not married yet but my parents had six kids.
True, but how many cultural/menu Catholics are earnestly asking, seeking, knocking to know the whats and whys of contraception, lest it infringe upon their personal pleasure/preference principle?
Those “cultural/menu Catholics” are not being faithful to begin with because as Catholics we are required to have a well-formed conscience and that requires asking, seeking, knocking, etc. The point I was trying to get across what that contraception is such a “hot” and well-known topic in the Church that one can not simply agree that it’s okay to contracept without seeking out the reasons, as we are obligated to do, why the Church says it’s wrong. Those who do not seek out the answers are either lazy or more likely afraid of finding out the truth. Once a Catholic who truly has an open-mind and who is willing to submit to God’s Will seeks the truth they will not be able to faithfully support contraception.

If some would just stop and think about it for a minute I can’t possibly see how they can continually say it’s okay to contracept. At the very least it should get them to start seeking, searching, etc. In marriage, God has called us to perform the most God-like action that we can humanly perform and that is bring new life into the world. He has given a means to bring that life into the world and be co-creators with Him and that is sex. Or more appropriately called, the marriage act. The marriage act is not simply for pleasure, it’s the means that God has given us to work with Him to create new life. So to take that act and to purposely block the life giving portion of it by contracepting you are basically telling God that you don’t care about the life giving portion of the act and simply (and selfishly) want the only the pleasurable part. The marriage act is also to be totally self-giving to your spouse and by contracepting you are withholding a part of you and not being totally self-giving as the act was meant to be.
Let’s face it, NFP is not as effective as other forms of birth control. If it were, more Catholics would be willing to use it, and more would be willing to teach it to other couples. If it were more effective, then why don’t they teach it in the Church?
When couples are taught by a competent teacher and follow the rules of the method carefully, NFP is highly successful in achieving their intended family plan. Numerous studies, including one by the U.S. government, have shown that the most common NFP methods are 97-99% effective for avoiding pregnancy. That’s as effective as the birth control pill and far more effective than barrier methods. This means that among couples who are well taught in NFP, who have made a clear decision to postpone pregnancy, who understand the rules for avoiding pregnancy and follow them carefully, no more than 3% of these couples will experience pregnancy in a one year period.

Reference: Contraceptive Technology, 17th Revised edition. Robert A. Hatcher, Irvington Press: New York 1998.
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