Can teenagers go to hell?

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Anyone on planet Earth that dies in a state of mortal sin goes to Hell. Only God can decide if they are truly in a state of mortal sin. He knows their heart and knows if they have sufficient knowledge enough to commit mortal sin.
Anyone on planet Earth that dies in a state of mortal sin goes to Hell. Only God can decide if they are truly in a state of mortal sin. He knows their heart and knows if they have sufficient knowledge enough to commit mortal sin.
Apart from babies and children on planet earth. That would not be loving. Standard.
Does what apply? I don’t understand the question.

I don’t think it’s possible for someone to grow up without any moral education.
In the UK many girls have never been told abortion is wrong - which gives some idea of the amount of moral education in this country.
In the UK many girls have never been told abortion is wrong - which gives some idea of the amount of moral education in this country.
I find that hard to believe. Education can come from many different avenues. Isn’t there any pro-life activity. Can they see the television news? Aren’t any people against abortion? Haven’t they heard anyone talk against abortion?

We are always presented with opposing views. If they have been told that abortion is wrong and rejected that teaching in favor of a more comfortable view, then I believe they are fully culpable if they commit the sin of abortion.
I find that hard to believe. Education can come from many different avenues. Isn’t there any pro-life activity. Can they see the television news? Aren’t any people against abortion? Haven’t they heard anyone talk against abortion?

We are always presented with opposing views. If they have been told that abortion is wrong and rejected that teaching in favor of a more comfortable view, then I believe they are fully culpable if they commit the sin of abortion.
Maybe in the jungles of Brazil or Africa…they wouldn’t know about abortion being wrong…but in England???

In the jungle, the people have more morals, than the ‘me first’ society in our ‘civilized’ world.
I find that hard to believe. Education can come from many different avenues. Isn’t there any pro-life activity. Can they see the television news? Aren’t any people against abortion? Haven’t they heard anyone talk against abortion?

We are always presented with opposing views. If they have been told that abortion is wrong and rejected that teaching in favor of a more comfortable view, then I believe they are fully culpable if they commit the sin of abortion.
Pregnant schoolgirls are more concerned about the consequences than anything else. The UK has the highest teenage birth and abortion rates in Western Europe -** funded by the NHS**. Pro-lifers are regarded as fanatics…
Pregnant schoolgirls are more concerned about the consequences than anything else. The UK has the highest teenage birth and abortion rates in Western Europe -** funded by the NHS**. Pro-lifers are regarded as fanatics…
Pregnant schoolgirls are more concerned about the consequences than anything else. The UK has the highest teenage birth and abortion rates in Western Europe -** funded by the NHS**. Pro-lifers are regarded as fanatics…
You are describing the ways that Satan works.

Teenagers are old enough to make hard choices. They can be damned for making wrong ones.
I find that hard to believe. Education can come from many different avenues. Isn’t there any pro-life activity. Can they see the television news? Aren’t any people against abortion? Haven’t they heard anyone talk against abortion?

We are always presented with opposing views. If they have been told that abortion is wrong and rejected that teaching in favor of a more comfortable view, then I believe they are fully culpable if they commit the sin of abortion.
It depends where people look for their education. If, they are even interested in being educated. Not every human being, especially youngsters, unless given explicitly moral and ethical education - at home and at school - are open, or even aware of many good things around them. And they don’t even necessarily know what is or isn’t good for them in the first place. Many people are stuck where they are. Many people dream of being someone else, somewhere else, and don’t realise that there is anything different out there. That they’re life is even vaulable. We can, IMO, never, forget how difficult it can be to be a teenager growing up and how especially hard it is for those who are brought up in dreadful and often hostile environments. The attitude to care, comes into the equation. If people grow up thinking the world owes them something then unfortunately this can hinder not only their own lives but in turn produce negative consequences in the things in life that come their way.
It depends where people look for their education. If, they are even interested in being educated. Not every human being, especially youngsters, unless given explicitly moral and ethical education - at home and at school - are open, or even aware of many good things around them. And they don’t even necessarily know what is or isn’t good for them in the first place. Many people are stuck where they are. Many people dream of being someone else, somewhere else, and don’t realise that there is anything different out there. That they’re life is even vaulable. We can, IMO, never, forget how difficult it can be to be a teenager growing up and how especially hard it is for those who are brought up in dreadful and often hostile environments. The attitude to care, comes into the equation. If people grow up thinking the world owes them something then unfortunately this can hinder not only their own lives but in turn produce negative consequences in the things in life that come their way.
What is your point? Are you making up scenarios in which your opinion is that culpability for a mortal sin is diminished?

I’d rather stay with Church teaching, IOW - The Truth.
What is your point? Are you making up scenarios in which your opinion is that culpability for a mortal sin is diminished?

I’d rather stay with Church teaching, IOW - The Truth.
No. On the contrary, the Church teaches us to be merciful as our Creator is merciful with us. It is precisely a lack of mercy that allows such spirals of decay to happen in society. Belief is more than an attitude in the mind it is about having a forgiving heart and leaving our Creator to make the judgements, as if any human could know what our Creator thinks. The rules in the Church are there for us to guide our own lives, not so we can go spreading our negativity about by making wild, sweeping statements about the state of other people’s souls whom you don’t know, which is what we do when we bunch people up together under labels of ‘mortal sinners’, when not having walked in their shoes; however, fortunately, our Lord is with people, and not only with them when they are in a state of grace, but helping them in the rough times too. Even if they don’t always listen to Him.

Work out your own salvation, IOW.
No. On the contrary, the Church teaches us to be merciful as our Creator is merciful with us. It is precisely a lack of mercy that allows such spirals of decay to happen in society. Belief is more than an attitude in the mind it is about having a forgiving heart and leaving our Creator to make the judgements, as if any human could know what our Creator thinks. The rules in the Church are there for us to guide our own lives, not so we can go spreading our negativity about by making wild, sweeping statements about the state of other people’s souls whom you don’t know, which is what we do when we bunch people up together under labels of ‘mortal sinners’, when not having walked in their shoes; however, fortunately, our Lord is with people, and not only with them when they are in a state of grace, but helping them in the rough times too. Even if they don’t always listen to Him.

Work out your own salvation, IOW.
Our Creator treats us with Divine Mercy. Such mercy is impossible for creatures. Please tell me where the Church teaches us to be merciful in a divine way? You can’t.

I will never judge anyone in the way that God judges a soul. I can’t even begin to try.

I will boldly proclaim the Truth which is the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church which was started by Jesus and is the only source of divine truth and is the only source of grace needed for the salvation of souls.

Fornication is grave matter If a person knows that it’s gravely sinful and willingly commits the act, then he has committed a mortal sin. If he dies with unrepented mortal sin he is damned eternally to Hell. Do you agree?

The same statement is absolutely true for contraception, abortion, masturbation, murder, and any other grave matter.

There is no such thing as my own salvation. My salvation is the same as your salvation and everyone else’s salvation. We are one body, one spirit, in Christ. Let’s drop the modernist dribble which accomplishes nothing except to create confusion which results in soul after soul falling into hell.
Maybe in the jungles of Brazil or Africa…they wouldn’t know about abortion being wrong…but in England???

In the jungle, the people have more morals, than the ‘me first’ society in our ‘civilized’ world.
Indeed. They love children in Africa and South America.
Our Creator treats us with Divine Mercy. Such mercy is impossible for creatures. Please tell me where the Church teaches us to be merciful in a divine way? You can’t.
Who mentioned being merciful in a divine way?

We are commanded to love as He has loved us - as Scipture tells us. We are also encouraged to “be like your Father in Heaven”.
I will never judge anyone in the way that God judges a soul. I can’t even begin to try.
No, I think from the sounds of your posts you are putting yourself up on a pedastal.
I will boldly proclaim the Truth which is the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church which was started by Jesus and is the only source of divine truth and is the only source of grace needed for the salvation of souls.
I did not know that ‘judge teenagers’ and ‘condemn mankind’ was in the Commandments or beattitutes.
Fornication is grave matter If a person knows that it’s gravely sinful and willingly commits the act, then he has committed a mortal sin. If he dies with unrepented mortal sin he is damned eternally to Hell. Do you agree?
It depends who you are talking about. I think there are such an acts that are mortally sinful. I can only speak for myself if I commit such an act, and my conscience will allow me to know if I could do with confessing, however, if I think I know, our Creator knows better - maybe I was right to go maybe there were other factors involved. But another person’s relationship with our Creator is not between me and the conscience police.
The same statement is absolutely true for contraception, abortion, masturbation, murder, and any other grave matter.
There are certain factors which can lessen the sin to less than mortal. Fortunately I don’t live in a theocracy and so hope our Creator will find a way to all people’s hearts in ways other than fear so that they do not die in mortal sin. I expect many do die in such a state: judge and you will be judged.
There is no such thing as my own salvation. My salvation is the same as your salvation and everyone else’s salvation. We are one body, one spirit, in Christ.
Then you haven’t read St. Paul.

In the way that you have spoken, you certainly do not speak for me too, or alongside me.
Let’s drop the modernist dribble which accomplishes nothing except to create confusion which results in soul after soul falling into hell.
To have to love one’s neighbour, is a real dig in the ribs for some, isn’t it? 🤷

I do wish you’d have written this sentence at the beginning of our dialogue so that I could have known not waste valuable time.
Pregnant schoolgirls are more concerned about the consequences than anything else. The UK has the highest teenage birth and abortion rates in Western Europe -* funded by the NHS***
I am describing the way secular society works. There is no need to introduce Satan into ordinary circumstances.
Teenagers are old enough to make hard choices. They can be damned for making wrong ones.
They can also be blessed for making the right ones. There is no reason to believe the majority are diabolical…
To reiterate, from yet another website (and for the sake of peace!):
‘1.Its subject must be a grave (or serious) matter.’
We all know what sins constitute grave matter.
'2.It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense; "Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense.
Points made.
But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.
That point was made by all.
The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders mental illness.
Point made already.
Sin committed through malice, by deliberate choice of evil, is the gravest."
Point made already.
Also, “Imputability and responsibility for an action can be diminished or even nullified by ignorance, inadvertence, duress, fear, habit, inordinate attachments, and other psychological or social factors.”
Points implied.
3.It must be committed with deliberate and complete consent, enough for it to have been a personal decision to commit the sin. "Mortal sin requires full knowledge and complete consent. It presupposes knowledge of the sinful character of the act, of its opposition to God’s law. It also implies a consent sufficiently deliberate to be a personal choice.
Most people know when something is wrong because we have moral law in us. This is not straightforward yet certainly not a let off.
Feigned ignorance and hardness of heart do not diminish, but rather increase, the voluntary character of a sin.
Hence, my point about those who are in receipt of fuller knowledge and sinning anyway, being even worse off than before!
I am describing the way secular society works. There is no need to introduce Satan into ordinary circumstances.

They can also be blessed for making the right ones. There is no reason to believe the majority are diabolical…
I think there is the danger that we can blame everything on satan but I do think that satan causes and inspires a lot of nasty stuff in society. But to blame everything on him only serves to excuse ourselves. While I think we have to be kind to others, and merciful, and always ready to excuse, make excuses for others even, we also have to be aware of satan, put on the armour of salvation, get involved in spiritual warfare, and be always on our guard. Sin is real but emphasis is key. I think we are on the same page: to warn of the dangers but not play the accuser; be ready to educate, protect and not cast the first stone; to know sin is real but choose to look at the Cross?
To reiterate, from yet another website (and for the sake of peace!):

We all know what sins constitute grave matter.

Points made.

That point was made by all.

Point made already.

Point made already.

Points implied.

Most people know when something is wrong because we have moral law in us. This is not straightforward yet certainly not a let off.

Hence, my point about those who are in receipt of fuller knowledge and sinning anyway, being even worse off than before!
“But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.”

I said this many posts ago …we’re still beating a dead horse! :banghead:
“But no one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.”

I said this many posts ago …we’re still beating a dead horse! :banghead:
Yes, you did, okay, but also:

*‘It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense; "Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense.’

‘The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders mental illness.’*

So, yes, all can, but to say out and out that people do, everytime they commit a grave crime, seems to be incorrect.

The thread is about naughty teenagers, and so my point is in agreement with you in part, that teenagers can sin gravely, HOWEVER, there are going to be more not less extenuating circumstances for people who have much less life experience.
Yes, you did, okay, but also:

*‘It must be committed with full knowledge, both of the sin and of the gravity of the offense; "Unintentional ignorance can diminish or even remove the imputability of a grave offense.’

‘The promptings of feelings and passions can also diminish the voluntary and free character of the offense, as can external pressures or pathological disorders mental illness.’*

So, yes, all can, but to say out and out that people do, everytime they commit a grave crime, seems to be incorrect.

The thread is about naughty teenagers, and so my point is in agreement with you in part, that teenagers can sin gravely, HOWEVER, there are going to be more not less extenuating circumstances for people who have much less life experience.
OK, OK, you win …I’m out! 👋
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