I’m actually pointing out the way we determine our action depends on how we can interpret the given situation. It is not actually about solving Math equations but rather how we are able to solve it just by ourselves. Even the trigger that will drive our conscious effort must come from an interpretable data(cognitive aspect). Because we can’t make sense of the light that we perceived through our eyes until we develop the knowledge of its meaning and spacial relationship. So our subconscious gradually builds up from the previous conscious experiences we had and then so we only react efficiently on something that is previously interpreted rather naturally built within us.
What is natural is how we biologically react to stimuli that is within the boundaries of our senses. But the intellectual part of how we react to it is still nurtured by our own experiences of them or how we received words that define those stimuli. Even how we properly walk evolved from our sense of balance by how we experience them. Then we run after we learn to determine the difference of speed not that we are born to know that speed is necessary but only after we realize that we need to outrun something.
But with regards to the spiritual aspect of things. We also acquire wisdom from God aswell which isn’t natural but spiritual (I actually find chromosome fusion is the key when we received our souls, just hypothetical

) . I don’t want to have a claim that all things are learned only by our own efforts but will suppose that God left us some room to enjoy more things as a mortal being by learning new things by ourselves. And in any moment of time, our intellectual part is be overwritten by the wisdom God implanted to us so then we don’t go astray to his plan. Such in the case when we receive baptism which make the holy spirit be a part of us and eventually confirm our action to always be in accordance to God’s plan. Enlighten me with this one*
So Free-Will of man goes within the boundaries of our mortal interaction to mortal entities and our biological constructs but the Will of God parents all of it.
To make it easier to think - We can get banned at anytime by the moderator if we go beyond or against the set rules in this forum (I know, this is kinda weak analogy

, forgive me its already 4am)
By the way, i wont make claims that my presuppositions are all correct. They are just the limits of my thinking and I’m very open to learning. And thanks for welcoming me

I really appreciate it! You guys have brilliant minds.