Why would non American media care about that?
This is a question on media in general and not just about American media.
In my country we do not have much talk about Trump other than that he and Boris Johnson might not have done the right thing with the lockdowns.
We live in a global economy; what occurs in one country-especially a country as powerful politically and economically and culturally as the U.S. affects other countries. The previous Canadian P.M., Pierre Trudeau, once likened having the U.S. as a neighbor with being in bed with an elephant-one is attentive to every movement. and, of course, there’s the famous quote from a former president of Mexico: “poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.” Immigration policies and the differences one might anticipate alone, will be of great interest to many countries and to their press. Military issues, will be of great interest to countries and to their press. Trade and aid issues will be of great interest to countries around the world, and to their press.
Furthermore, the media is a business. It has it’s own business interests.
Noam Choamsky argued that the media exists to sell viewers/readers to advertisers. It’s an interesting argument and one might see how advertisers also have an interest in the policies which might be endorsed by a particular president or by having stable markets in which to peddle their goods.
If you read the Guardian (English paper) they are pretty upfront about their orientation on issues of climate and on their opposition to Mr. Trump. Other media sources, may not be so straightforward about their orientation, but they also will have a general perspective which you can glean after sustained reading.
After the last election, I was listening to NPR (National public Radio) on my way home from work and a journalist was discussing both how blindsided the media was by the election results and acknowledging that the media in general had not given the positive coverage to Mr. Trump that had been given to his opponent.
this certainly jibed with my experience of listening to NPR and ABC news on a daily basis while commuting. I follow the Guardian and the BBC and they have not been very generous towards Mr. Trump.
I’m not casting a vote here on whether or not one should like Mr. Trump and his policies, merely observing what I encounter regularly, when perusing these sources.
My understanding (I can’t provide sources at present so take it with a grain of salt) is that those who major in journalism tend to have what is called a liberal (this is usually a political not an economic term in the United States) perspective. This may inform the stories chosen to cover, the people chosen to provide quotes in the stories, and the perspective from which a story is presented.
What country do you live in?
There is some variety, of course and there will be some variety as well at the global scale, I’m merely reflecting on trends.