News November 30, 2020
Eric Clapton records a new anti-lockdown song. Now the cancel culture is coming for him.
They’ll try to shut up anyone who goes against the narrative
Chris Field
Eric Clapton
announced Friday that he and fellow music legend Van Morrison will be releasing a new anti-lockdown single in early December.
The announcement did not sit well with those who believe stringent, business-killing lockdowns to combat the coronavirus pandemic should not be questioned. So the cancel culture went to work to try to discredit Clapton’s anti-lockdown work by reminding people of racially insensitive remarks the rocker made more than 40 years ago.
What lockdown song?
Irish rocker and songwriter Morrison began releasing a series of anti-lockdown protest songs this fall for which he received serious pushback —
including from his own government.
His first three songs — “Born To Be Free,” “As I Walked Out,” and “No More Lockdown” — questioned the COVID mandates the U.K. government put in place and said the lockdowns were being used to “enslave” the people. Morrison complained that the government was not allowing people to “have the right to think for themselves.”
In response, Northern Ireland’s health minister called the songs “dangerous.”
Now Morrison is at it again with the new record collaboration with Clapton, which will the be the fourth song in the series, Variety
reported Friday.
The new song, “Stand and Deliver,” which was written by Morrison and recorded by Clapton, is set to be released Dec. 4.
Proceeds from the new single will be donated to Morrison’s Lockdown Financial Hardship Fund, which the artist set up to benefit musicians whose careers were hobbled by lockdowns.
Clapton called the lack of live events due to government-imposed restrictions “deeply upsetting” . . . .
. . . Because Clapton dared to stand against government-instituted mandates, the cancel culture came for him.
In an effort to discredit Clapton’s stance against lockdowns, the woke crowd dug up 44-year-old racist comments the artist made — comments he has recanted and for which he has
repeatedly apologized. . . .