And yet Catholic social teaching does two things: it shows us what is incompatible with Catholic moral teaching (of which it is a category); two, it shows us what is allowable. As is socialization of some means of production. And since the Church has repeatedly promoted state power (I can cite encyclicals and more to this effect), the libertarian minarchist state is inherently not compatible with the Church’s teaching.“The Church doesn’t present a program for the best economic system, but rather moral principles applicable to how we should organize our economic lives. Broadly speaking, because the Church affirms the right to private property and to profit-making businesses, it can be said to support some form of market economy (Centesimus Annus 34–35).
I can also cite section after section of Quadragesimo Anno, perhaps the most comprehensive social encyclical to date, showing a completely moral system that is far from what the American right desires.
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