Nobody is totally impartial. There are means that all intelligent folks possess, however, to tease out facts from multiple sources, and to make the distinction between reporting the news, commentary, and editorials.
And yes, that includes making the MSM part of your analysis. Moreover I still trust the MSM more than the likes of Breitbart or other organizations with an axe to grind. Believe it or not MSM journalists do have standards they must adhere to. Of course sometimes they fail to follow them being fallible humans. That’s where critical thinking on the part of the reader comes in.
And yes, that includes making the MSM part of your analysis. Moreover I still trust the MSM more than the likes of Breitbart or other organizations with an axe to grind. Believe it or not MSM journalists do have standards they must adhere to. Of course sometimes they fail to follow them being fallible humans. That’s where critical thinking on the part of the reader comes in.